LCD Tracking
Our LCD Tracking page allows you access to current and historical Local Coverage Determination (LCD) development-related information.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) assigned to the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) the task of developing LCDs for processing and reviewing Medicare claims for Durable Medical Equipment, Prostheses, Orthoses, and Supplies (DMEPOS).
When the DME MACs receive a valid request to revise an existing LCD, or to develop a New LCD, we follow the LCD development process outlined in the Program Integrity Manual Chapter 13 (CMS Pub. 100-08).
The tables below provide you with up-to-date information on the LCDs under reconsideration or development. Check back frequently or sign up for the CGS electronic mailing list for the latest information.
Development Status: Open
LCD | Type of Request: LCD Reconsideration or New LCD | Details of Request | Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) Information (If Applicable) | Proposed Local Coverage Determination | Public Comment and Open Meeting Information | Final Local Coverage Determination and Related Articles |
Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage of topical oxygen therapy for wound healing | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Development Status: Completed << Click to display or hide this status table >>
LCD | Type of Request: LCD Reconsideration or New LCD | Details of Request | Contractor Advisory Committee (CAC) Information (If Applicable) | Proposed Local Coverage Determination | Public Comment and Open Meeting Information | Final Local Coverage Determination and Related Articles |
Tumor Treatment Field Therapy (TTFT) | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add TTFT coverage for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme. |
Nebulizers | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage for Yupelri®. | N/A |
External Infusion Pumps | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage for Xembify®. | N/A |
Urological Supplies | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage for inFlow™. | N/A |
Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage for Topical Oxygen Therapy for wounds. |
External Infusion Pumps | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage for Cutaquig®. | N/A |
Glucose Monitors | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to modify the coverage criteria for continuous glucose monitors. | N/A |
External Infusion Pumps | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to modify criteria for Hizentra® to consider coverage for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). | N/A |
Oral Appliances for Obstructive Sleep Apnea | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to include equivalent, approved devices as covered devices for home sleep apnea testing. | N/A | |||
Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to include equivalent, approved devices as covered devices for home sleep apnea testing. | N/A |
Respiratory Assist Devices | LCD Reconsideration | N/A | N/A | |||
Enteral Nutrition | New LCD | N/A | N/A | |||
Parenteral Nutrition | New LCD | N/A | N/A | |||
Nebulizers | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to extend coverage of treprostinil inhalation solution to treatment of pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial lung disease. | N/A | |||
Glucose Monitors | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to modify coverage criteria for continuous glucose monitors. | N/A | |||
Enteral Nutrition | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add KX, GA, GY, and GZ modifiers. | N/A |
Osteogenesis Stimulators | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add KX, GA, and GZ modifiers. | N/A |
Parenteral Nutrition | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add KX, GA, GY, and GZ modifiers. | N/A |
Seat Lift Mechanisms | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add KX, GA, and GZ modifiers. | N/A |
Pneumatic Compression Devices | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to add coverage of arterial intermittent pneumatic compression treatment for inoperable chronic limb ischemia. | N/A | |||
External Upper Limb Tremor Stimulator Therapy | New LCD | New LCD request to establish a not reasonable and necessary determination. | N/A |
Lower Limb Prostheses | LCD Reconsideration | Reconsideration request to modify the coverage criteria for microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knees (MPKs) for Medicare Functional Classification Level (MFCL) 2 | N/A |
Updated: 01.24.2025