September 7, 2023
Pneumatic Compression Devices – Final LCD and Response to Comments (RTC) Article Published
Joint DME MAC Publication
On September 7, 2023, the DME MACs published the following final Local Coverage Determination (LCD) and LCD-related Policy Article (PA):
- Pneumatic Compression Devices LCD (L33829) and LCD-related PA (A52488)
The LCD incorporates finalized revisions, as a result of an LCD reconsideration and written comments received during the comment period for the proposed LCD.
The posting of the final LCD marks the beginning of the 45-day notice period. The final LCD goes into effect for claims with dates of service on or after October 22, 2023.
Along with the final LCD and LCD-related PA, the DME MACs published a Response to Comments (RTC) Article which addresses the written comments received during the comment period. The RTC Article is as follows:
- Response to Comments: Pneumatic Compression Devices LCD DL33829 (A59219)
Interested stakeholders may find the RTC document by searching for the article number in the Medicare Coverage Database. The RTC document is also located in the Associated Documents section of the LCD.
Please refer to each DME MAC website for additional information about policy development and access to the final LCD.