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CGS Customer Experience

CGS Customer Experience

We believe healthcare administration should be easy, consistent, and transparent. We simplify the system and deliver valuable solutions that IMPACT lives.

Help improve our website, portal and other services by providing your valuable feedback in our various satisfaction surveys:

Education Prior Authorization
Redeterminations TPE
PCC Written Correspondence customer support
Survey Pop-up Feedback
Satisfaction surveys of CGS services. This survey link will appear randomly on our website or myCGS portal. It allows you to rate and provide feedback about your experience. Provide feedback from any page on our website about its content, a technical issue, or something else.

How You Made an IMPACT

This table shares recent operational improvements that are direct results from your survey feedback.

Location Survey Feedback Solution Date Implemented

myCGS DME Web Portal

Suppliers asked for a way to send offset and overpayment recovery forms through the myCGS DME Web Portal.

myCGS 9.0 adds a major new feature to the myCGS DME Web Portal that many users have asked for – the ability to submit overpayment recovery forms. This new feature allows you to send either an offset request form or an overpayment recovery request form through myCGS. This is the first phase in a series of planned enhancements to the Finance menu.



The publication dates for individual Dear Physician Letters and Documentation Checklists should be visible from the web page that lists all the documents.

We added the publication date for each document next to the title and hyperlink on the Dear Physician Letters and Documentation Checklists webpages. Users can now easily see the publication date and know when we last revised a document before they open the PDF.



Website users prefer to see information without needing to scroll down the webpage.

We added a menu to the Orthoses & PMD Prior Authorization pages. Scan the section headings and click to see the information you want to read without scrolling through all the content.



Suppliers need more education about when to use the KU modifier.

We created a KU Modifier Tool to let you know when to use the KU modifier for an accessory used on a manual or power wheelchair.


myCGS DME Web Portal

myCGS users want to know when the Common Working File (CWF) last updated the skilled nursing facility (SNF), or hospital date shown.

myCGS 8.9 added a new field to SNF/Hospital Inquiries. The SNF/Hospital Information screen now shows the "Last Updated" field.



We continue to see complaints about password and other security requirements in the myCGS DME Web Portal.

It is important that all users understand the reason behind these requirements and the importance of protecting both beneficiary and supplier information. Provider Education created two "To the Point" videos to address the myCGS Password Requirements and myCGS Terms of Use. Help prevent a cyberattack or a breach of information – make sure you and your staff are aware of and follow the protocols set up to keep the myCGS portal secure.


myCGS DME Web Portal

Suppliers want to search for a Remittance Advice (RA) by date of service.

We added the View RA feature to the Claim Status Summary screen with myCGS 8.8.



Suppliers like information summarized and easy to access on a web page instead of a PDF.

We created CGS Fact Sheets to summarize important information and resources. We will add more sheets with concise and reliable information on a variety of topics as needed.



A top reason suppliers visit our web site is looking for prior authorization information.

We moved the Prior Authorization for DMEPOS section to the main left navigation menu so you can access information with only one click.


Website & Customer Service

We get comments about how to enter the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) on the telephone keypad when you call CGS Customer Support or the Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

Use the MBI Letters to Numbers & Name to Numbers Converter to change alpha characters to numbers on your telephone keypad. We added a chart to show what to enter for each alpha character in an MBI. For example, enter *11 for the letter Q or *72 for R.



Please add the error rate category to the Medical Review Quarter Reports page.

We added the individual error rates for each category to the table on the Medical Review Quarter Reports page to make it easier for suppliers to view error rates for all categories on one page.



I would love to see an Ostomy supplies documentation checklist.

An Ostomy Supplies Documentation ChecklistPDF was published on March 12, 2023.


myCGS DME Web Portal

Suppliers are dissatisfied with password and security requirements for myCGS.

We increased the visibility of the myCGS Security Awareness Training video and myCGS Terms of Use on our website. Links to the video and terms were added to the myCGS web page on the CGS education website so users can access it quickly and easily for training and education purposes.

We encourage all myCGS users to review the training video and Terms of Use to understand the importance of keeping data secure and preventing cybercrime and Medicare fraud.



Providers are not sure which Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) website to search.

We added more information about MAC jurisdictions to the CGS Medicare Home page to help visitors find the correct MAC for their jurisdiction and line of business.



Suppliers would like a video to educate first time users about using CGS Connect.

CGS Provider Education recorded a new "To-the-Point" Submitting a CGS Connect Request video.


Customer Experience Enhancements Archive

Survey Feedback Solution Date Implemented
Refresh the Education section of the website so available educational options are easy to see and access. The Education and Outreach landing page was redesigned with a fresh new look. New icons make accessing the variety of educational options easy. A Quick Links section includes links to commonly used educational resources. 10.27.23
Ability to edit or correct information in a Prior Authorization Request after it is submitted to prevent incomplete or invalid requests. Prior Authorization Smart Submission (PASS) was added to myCGS. With Smart Submission, we guide suppliers through all the steps for their specific Prior Authorization request to help make sure they send everything we need to make a decision the first time. Wait time for notification that the request was invalid or incomplete is eliminated. 10.27.23
See the correct sequence of digits needed to enter into the IVR when using the MBI Lookup in myCGS The IVR MBI Number Converter was added to the MBI Lookup with myCGS 7.3.14. 09.11.23
Unable to find registration information on upcoming workshops. Improved communications about workshops planned but not yet ready for registration on the CGS JC DME Provider Outreach & Education (POE) In-Person Workshops page. 08.24.23
Information about oxygen modifiers and billing We published How to Choose the Correct Oxygen Modifier 08.11.23
Suppliers look for information about the GW modifier and need education on the requirements. We published an article educating you about when to use the GW Modifier for hospice patients. 07.12.23
Suppliers look for information about coverage of ventilators. Since these are paid based on NCD, there was limited information on our website. We published the article "Ventilator Resources" to provide education and resources about coverage and billing of ventilators. 07.07.23
There are many variations on how suppliers search for information related to same or similar: same or similar, same and similar, same/similar. Our search engine is improving all the time, and results can vary depending on the search term. CGS published the "Same or Similar" Resource List to provide a comprehensive list of information for the various search terms for same or similar information. 06.30.23
myCGS End Users need information on how to obtain access to locked portal features. CGS published an article, Access to myCGS Features, to highlight the role of the Designated Approver and remind the end user to contact their approver to update their access in the portal. 06.22.23
Information about how to file claims after the end of the COVID-19 PHE The DME MACs collaborated to publish Post COVID-19 PHE Collaborative Q&As. 06.15.23
Information about the CMS national coverage decision establishing coverage for power seat elevation for power wheelchairs. CGS published Payment of Power Seat Elevation Equipment on Power Wheelchairs 06.08.23
Details on the effects of the end of the COVID-19 PHE CGS updated the post-PHE webpage, published a new online education course, and shared other resources, like the end of the COVID-19 PHE teleconference Q&As. May 2023
Several myCGS enhancement suggestions CGS implemented many myCGS updates including giving users the ability to set a default NPI/PTAN, allowing Designated Approvers to "select all" when granting user access, expanding eligibility Medicare Advantage Plan (MAP) data to include historical periods, and updating the Prior Authorization status screen to include date of decision. May 2023
Easier password/login processes, including account lock/unlock. myCGS 7.3.8 introduced several enhancements, including the ability for users to unlock their own accounts without calling customer support. 02.27.23
The website search engine did not always provide the most helpful results. CGS installed a new search engine that is modern, intuitive, and user-friendly. It uses artificial intelligence to anticipate user's needs over time and tailor results. 12.19.22
Request to list beneficiary addresses in myCGS. Through myCGS 7.3.5, the beneficiary address is now included in eligibility responses. 12.12.22
The Same/Similar screen in myCGS was experiencing periods of slow response and unavailable search options. CGS implemented behind-the-scenes enhancements to improve the Same/Similar screen performance and search availability. 10.04.22
Suggestions for Same/Similar enhancements in the myCGS portal. CGS converted the myCGS 7.3 introduces major enhancements to the Same/Similar functions available in the portal, including combining the previous functionality of the CMN Status, Claim History, and Diabetic Supplies & Shoes screens into one easy-to-use search. The update also allows users to search Same/Similar data for both JB and JC without switching jurisdictions. 07.05.22
Easier instructions on how to register for the myCGS web portal. CGS converted the myCGS Registration Guide from a PDF into an .HTML webpage display, where users can easily view different chapters and subheadings from a navigation menu. 06.27.22
Difficulty locating Fee Schedules information Redesigned the Fee Schedules tab to include 4 sub-sections: Competitive Bidding; DMEPOS Fee Schedule; Drug, Dispensing, & Supply Fees; and Labor Fees. 05.18.22
The IVR had several areas that could be edited to increase efficiency and improve the supplier experience. CGS removed repetitive phrases and unnecessary wording, among other edits, which increased IVR efficiency while keeping menu options the same. 03.14.22
Some users were experiencing difficulties using checks to register or recertify as a Designated Approver. myCGS 7.2.2 implemented several enhancements and fixes, including improvements to the new registration and recertification processes for Designated Approvers. 02.08.22
Make forms more easily accessible Updated "Forms & Checklists" page and added separate "Charts & Guides" page to distinguish documents with different purposes 01.31.22
Mobile app had a technical issue and was displaying an error message about connectivity Fixed that issue and added new enhancements, including disaster relief information, CMS resources, updated scrolling features, and more 01.14.22
Clarify myCGS portal instructions Converted myCGS User Manual from a 50+ page PDF into a user-friendly webpage that is easy to navigate 01.11.22
Faster access to myCGS help Added new menu options for calling Customer Support, including a direct myCGS help line 01.07.22
Confusion about finding Medicare Advantage Plan Eligibility information in myCGS Published "Important Tip for Searching Medicare Advantage Plan Eligibility Information in myCGS" 12.20.21
Simplify myCGS registration and recertification processes myCGS 7.2 introduced several enhancements to the registration and recertification processes, including integration into the portal (no external forms), an automated process for Designated Approvers (DAs) to manage users, and recertification every 365 days (instead of 90) 11.15.21
Spanish resources are very helpful Created "CGS en Español" webpage that includes all Spanish documents, forms, guides, and resources 11.15.21
Increase clarity between contract pages Redesigned homepage to clearly identify jurisdictions and contracts, as well as present key information 09.08.21
Requesting help with Google Authenticator CGS published a 4-minute video that provides step-by-step instructions on how to install and use Google Authenticator for myCGS. 08.24.21
Improve website search engine We built special JB and JC archives to store outdated publications (for historical purposes, as needed), but all items in this archive are removed from search engine results. This process will help the search engine pull more relevant and accurate information. 08.03.21
Clarify Reopenings submission process in myCGS CGS created a Reopenings Chart that lists the most common claim adjustments and which can be processed through the myCGS web portal, telephone reopenings, and written reopenings 07.15.21
Requesting multiple MFA codes sometimes caused confusion MFA codes are now the same for one 12-hour period. If you make an additional MFA request in that timeframe, you will receive the same code. 07.15.21
Ease myCGS login process Users can now show or hide their password when entering it on the login screen, minimizing opportunities for typing errors 06.16.21
Add voice recognition as an option for entering MBIs on the customer service line Voice Recognition Added for Entering Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs) When Calling Customer Support 06.08.21
Suppliers appreciate Spanish education Created Spanish-specific COVID-19 page 05.18.21
Provide additional education on the K0553 HCPCS code Billing Reminder for the K0553 Supply Allowance for Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) 05.05.21
Simplify website links and resources Website Updates – New Contact Page & Alphabetized Navigation Menu 04.30.21
Login help for myCGS Simplified login page and linked to helpful resources 04.21.21
Easier MFA process for accessing myCGS Created specific instructions within myCGS on how to add Google Authenticator via web browser extension 04.21.21
Request for myCGS password help Introducing the DME myCGS Password Quick Reference Guide! 03.31.21
Enhanced website searchability Updated Design for Billing Instructions and Information Webpage 03.19.21
More accessible MFA options Google Authenticator provides instant MFA codes when logging into myCGS 03.01.21
Ease the myCGS password process myCGS 7.0 includes a new suggested password generator and temporary password email link 03.01.21
Request to make prior authorization forms more visible Updated Prior Authorization page with Form/Coversheet section 02.12.21
Comments about myCGS password process myCGS Login Tips: MFA, Passwords, & More 01.19.21
Suggested centralized location for post-payment review information New Centralized Post Payment Review Page 01.13.21

Updated: 02.03.2025


26 Century Blvd Ste ST610, Nashville, TN 37214-3685 © CGS Administrators, LLC. All Rights Reserved