May 4, 2021
Suppressing the View of Claims in Return to Provider (RTP)
When you call the Home Health & Hospice (HHH) Provider Contact Center (PCC) with a question about a specific claim in the RTP file (status/location T B9997), the representative may need to research the situation and later return your call to provide further guidance. The HHH PCC has recently seen where the claim in question is suppressed from view, causing the claim to no longer display in the RTP file. When this occurs, the claim will need to be resubmitted for Medicare to process, and the representative is no longer able to answer your question related to that claim.
Suppressing the view of a claim in RTP can be helpful when you determine the claim was submitted in error and no longer needs to be processed. However, it is important to remember that suppressing the view cannot be reversed even though the claim will still appear in the Claim Summary screen (Inquiry Menu option 12) in the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) Direct Data Entry (DDE).