November 10, 2022
myCGS Forms: Did You Know???
There are LOTS of forms available in myCGS allowing you to send workload to us electronically. All forms must be completed correctly in order for us to process your requests. Incomplete or invalid information on forms will cause your request to be returned unprocessed.
Did you know if you select forms from the Claims tab they will auto-populate with the claim details we need to process your request? This includes:
- 1st level Appeal – Redeterminations
- 2nd level Appeal – Reconsiderations (HHH and Part A users)
- Part B Reopenings
- General inquiries
- Respond to requests for additional documentation from our Claims department
Accessing forms from the Claims tab will save you TONS of time and help ensure the details needed to process your request (e.g., claim numbers, patient identifiers, codes, dates of service, PTAN/NPI) are complete and accurate.
Refer to the myCGS User Manual for additional information on this and other features myCGS has to offer.