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E/M Coding: Volume of Documentation versus Medical Necessity

The Social Security Act, Section 1862 (a)(1)(A) states: "No payment will be made … for items or services … not reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of an injury or illness or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member." This medical reasonableness and necessity standard is the overarching criterion for the payment for all services billed to Medicare.

During repeated reviews, we have observed the tendency to "over document" and consequently to select and bill for a higher level E/M code than medically reasonable and necessary. Word processing software, the electronic medical record, and formatted note systems facilitate the "carry over" and repetitive "fill in" of stored information. Even if a "complete" note is generated, only the medically reasonable and necessary services for the condition of the particular patient at the time of the encounter as documented can be considered when selecting the appropriate level of an E/M service. Information that has no pertinence to the patient's situation at that specific time cannot be counted.


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