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Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) Performance Standards

Medicare Provider-Supplier EnrollmentExternal Website

Revised: 04.11.24

CPT/HCPCS Codes Code Description Level of Supervision MD Qualification / Proficiency Requirements. ALL require applicable board certification from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or American Osteopathic Board of Radiology (AOBR) Technician Certification / State License
10004 Fine needle aspiration of additional lesion 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10005 Fine needle aspiration of first lesion using ultrasound guida 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10006 Fine needle aspiration of additional lesion using ultrasound 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10007 Fine needle aspiration of first lesion using fluoroscopic 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10008 Fine needle aspiration of additional lesion using fluoroscopic 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10011 Fine needle aspiration of first lesion using MR guidance 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10012 Fine needle aspiration of additional lesion using MR guidance 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10009 Fine needle aspiration of first lesion using CT guidance 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10010 Fine needle aspiration of additional lesion using CT guidance 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
10022 Fine Needle Aspiration; w/ Imaging Guidance 3 Radiologist, ENT, Gen Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Pathologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19030 Injection procedure only for mammary ductogram or galactogram 3 Radiology, Oncology, GYN, General Surgery Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19081 Biopsy, breast, with placement of breast localization device(s) (eg clip, metallic pellet), when performed, and imaging of the biopsy specimen, when performed, percutaneous; first lesion, including stereotactic guidance. 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19082 Each additional lesion, including steretactic guidance 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19083 Biopsy, breast, with placement of breast localization device(s) (eg, clip, metallic pellet), when performed, and imaging of the biopsy specimen, when performed, percutaneous; first lesion, including ultrasound guidance. 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19084 Each additional lesion, including ultrasound guidance 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19085 Biopsy, breast, with placement of breast localization device(s) (eg clip, metallic pellet) when performed and imaging of the biopsy specimen, when performed, percutaneous; first lesion, including magnetic resonance guidance. 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19086 EACH ADDITIONAL LESION, INCLUDING MAGNETIC RESONANCE GUIDANCE 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19282 EACH ADDITIONAL LESION, INCLUDING MAMMOGRAPHIC GUIDANCE 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19284 EACH ADDITIONAL LESION, INCLUDING STEREOTACTIC GUIDANCE 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19286 EACH ADDITIONAL LESION, INCLUDING ULTRASOUND GUIDANCE 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
19288 EACH ADDIONAL LESION, INCLUDING MAGNETIC RESONANCE GUIDANCE 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
20220 BIOPSY, BONE, TROCAR OR NEEDLE; SUPERFICIAL (EG, ILIUM, STERNUM, SPINOUS PROCESS, RIBS) 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
20225 DEEP (EG VERTEBRAL BODY, FEMUR) 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
20501 Injection of sinus tract; diagnostic (sinogram) 3 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
20604 Aspiration and/or injection of small joint or joint capsule 2 Radiologist Specific training for the procedure .
20606 Aspiration and/or injection of intermediate joint or joint 2 Radiologist Specific training for the procedure.
20611 Aspiration and/or injection of major joint or joint capsule 2 Radiologist Specific training for the procedure.
21550 BIOPSY, SOFT TISSUE OF NECK OR THORAX 2 Board Certified Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
23350 Injection procedure for the shoulder arthrography or enhanced CT 1 Radiology, Orthopedics, Rheumatology Same as radiographic portion
24220 Injection Procedure for Elbow Arthrography 3 Radiologist, Orthopedic Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
25246 Injection Procedure for Wrist Arthrography 3 Radiologist, Orthopedic Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
27093 Injection procedure for Hip arthrography; without anesthesia 3 Radiology or Orthopedic N/A
27095 Injection for hip x-ray 3 Same as associated xray Same as associated xray Same as associated xray
27096 Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint, arthrography and / or 3 Radiology or Orthopedic N/A
27324 BIOPSY, SOFT TISSUE OF THIGH OR KNEE AREA; DEEP 2 Board Certified Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
27369 Injection of contrast for imaging of knee joint 1 Radiology, Orthopedics, Rheumatology Same as radiographic portion
27370 Injection Procedure for Knee Arthrography 3 Radiologist, Orthopedic Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
27648 Injection procedure for ankle arthrography Same as associated arthrography Same as associated arthrography Same as associated arthrography
32405 Biopsy lung percutaneous needle 3 Radiologist or Thoracic Surgeon N/A
36000 (Can bill only if physician expertise is required to place) Introduction of needle or intracatheter 3 Any (Requires physician expertise to place) Any
36005 Injection procedure for extremity venography 9 Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
36415 Collection of Venous Blood by Venipuncture 1 Any Any
36598 Contrast Injection(s) Radiological Evaluation of existing 2 Radiology N/A
38790 Injection for lymphatic x-ray 3 Radiologist or General/Thoracic Surgeon Certified Radiology Tech (if using isotope must be nuclear medicine tech) in modality they are performing
38792 Injection procedure, for identification of sentinel node 3 Radiologist or General/Thoracic Surgeon Certified Radiology Tech (if using isotope must be nuclear medicine tech) in modality they are performing
42400 BIOPSY OF SALIVARY GLAND; NEEDLE 2 Board Certified  
42550 Injection procedure for sialography 3 Radiologist or ENT N/A
43754 Gastric analysis test 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
43755 Gastric intubation for smear 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
47000 Biopsy of liver, needle percutaneous 3 Radiologist N/A
47505 Injection procedure of cholangiograpy through an existing 3 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
49180 BIOPSY, ABDOMINAL OR RETROPERITONEAL MASS, PERCUTANEOUS NEEDL 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
50394 Injection procedure for pyelography (as nephrostogram pyelos) 3 Radiology, Urology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
51600 Injection procedure for cystography or voiding urethrocystogr 3 Radiology, Urology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
51610 INJECTION PROCEDURE FOR RETROGRADE URETHROCYSTOGRAPHY 2 Board Certified Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
51702 Insertion of temporary bladder catheter      
51725 Cystometrogram 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51726 Complex Cystometrogram 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51728 Voiding Pressure Studies (VP) 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51729 Urethral Pressure Profile Study 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51736 Simple Uroflowmetry 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51741 Complex Uroflowmetry 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51784 EMG of anal or urinary sphincter 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51785 Needle EMG of anal or urinary sphincter 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51792 Stimulus Evoked Response 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51797 Intra-abdominal Voiding Pressure Study (AP) 2 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
51798 US Measurement post void 1 Urology, OB/GYN Personally Trained Staff
54240 Penile Plethysmography 2 Urology, Pulmonology Personally Trained Staff
54250 Penile Nocturnal Tumesence 1 Urology, Pulmonology Personally Trained Staff
58340 Catheterization and introduction of saline or contrast 3 OB/GYN or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
58345 Transcervical introduction of fallopian tube catheter for dia 3 Radiology, OB/Gyn N/A
59020 Fetal Contraction Stress Test (CST) 2 Radiology, OB/Gyn Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
59025 Fetal Non-stress test (NST) 1 Radiology, OB/Gyn Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
60300 ASPIRATION AND/OR INJECTION, THYROID CYST 2 Board Certified Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
61055 Cisternal or lateral cervical (C1-C2) puncture; with injectio 3 Radiology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic N/A
62270 Spinal puncture, lumbar, diagnostic 3 Radiology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic N/A
62284 Injection procedure for myelography and/or computed tomograph 3 Radiology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
62302 X-ray of upper spinal canal with radiological supervision 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
62303 X-ray of middle spinal canal with radiological supervision 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
62304 X-ray of lower spinal canal with radiological supervision 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
62305 X-ray of lower spinal canal with radiological supervision 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
62310 (end dated 12/31/2016) Injection, single, not including neurolytic substances 2 Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pain Mgmt., Anesthesiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
62311 (end dated 12/31/2016) Injection, single, not including neurolytic substances 3 Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pain Mgmt., Anesthesiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
62320 Injection of diagnostic or therapeutic substance into spinal canal of upper or middle, w/o imaging guidance 2 Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pain Mgmt., Anesthesiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, RDMS, personally trained assistant (RN)
62321 Injection of diagnostic or therapeutic substance into spinal canal of upper or middle w/imaging guidance 2 Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pain Mgmt., Anesthesiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, RDMS, personally trained assistant (RN)
62322 Injection of diagnostic or therapeutic substance into spinal canal of lower back or sacral, w/o imaging guidance 3 Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pain Mgmt., Anesthesiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, RDMS, personally trained assistant (RN)
62323 Injection of diagnostic or therapeutic substance into spinal canal of lower back or sacral, w/ imaging guidance 3 Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pain Mgmt., Anesthesiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, RDMS, personally trained assistant (RN)
62367 Electronic analysis of pump, without re-programming 2 Anesthesia, PM&R, Pain Management, Oncology RN
62368 Electronic analysis of pump, with re- programming 2 Anesthesia, PM&R, Pain Management, Oncology RN
70010 Contrast x-ray of brain 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70015 Contrast x-ray of brain 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70030 X-ray eye for foreign body 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70100 X-ray exam of jaw 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70110 X-ray exam of jaw 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70120 X-ray exam of mastoids 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70130 X-ray exam of mastoids 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70134 X-ray exam of middle ear 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70140 X-ray exam of facial bones 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70150 X-ray exam of facial bones 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70160 X-ray exam of nasal bones 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70170 X-ray exam of tear duct 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70190 X-ray exam of eye sockets 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70200 X-ray exam of eye sockets 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70210 X-ray exam of sinuses 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70220 X-ray exam of sinuses 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70240 X-ray exam, pituitary saddle 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70250 X-ray exam of skull 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70260 X-ray exam of skull 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70300 X-ray exam of teeth 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70310 X-ray exam of teeth 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70320 Full mouth x-ray of teeth 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70328 X-ray exam of jaw joint 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70330 X-ray exam of jaw joints 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70332 TMJ Arthrography 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70336 Magnetic image, jaw joint 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70350 X-ray head for orthodontia 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70355 Panoramic x-ray of jaws 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70360 X-ray exam of neck 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70370 Throat x-ray & fluoroscopy 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70371 Speech evaluation, complex 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70380 X-ray exam of salivary gland 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70390 X-ray exam of salivary duct 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70450 CT head/brain w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70460 CT head/brain w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70470 CT head/brain w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70480 CT orbit/ear/fossa w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70481 CT orbit/ear/fossa w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70482 CT orbit/ear/fossa w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70486 CT maxillofacial w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70487 CT maxillofacial w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70488 CT maxillofacial w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70490 CT soft tissue neck w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70491 CT soft tissue neck w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70492 CT sft tsue nck w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70496 CT angiography, head 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70498 CT angiography, neck 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70540 MRI orbit/face/neck w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70542 MRI orbit/face/neck w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70543 MRI orbt/fac/nck w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70544 MR angiography head w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70545 MR angiography head w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70546 MR angiograph head w/o&w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70547 MR angiography neck w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70548 MR angiography neck w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70549 MR angiograph neck w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70551 MRI brain w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70552 MRI brain w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70553 MRI brain w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70554 MRI Brain, Functional MRI 1 Radiologist or Neurology Certified radiological tech or equivalent in modality they are performing
70557 MRI Brain, Open proc, w/o contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70558 MRI Brain, Open proc, w/ contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
70559 MRI Brain, Open proc, w/o contrast followed by contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71010 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71015 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71020 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71021 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71022 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71023 Chest x-ray and fluoroscopy 3 Radiologist Physician Only Service
71030 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71034 Chest x-ray and fluoroscopy 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71035 Chest x-ray 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71040 Contrast x-ray of bronchi 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71045 X-Ray of chest 1 view 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71046 X-Ray of chest 2 views 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Technologist in modality they are performing
71047 X-Ray of chest 3 views 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Technologist in modality they are performing
71048 X-Ray of chest minimum of 4 views 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Technologist in modality they are performing
71060 Contrast x-ray of bronchi 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71090 Pacemaker Insertion Radiology supervision 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71100 X-ray exam of ribs 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71101 X-ray exam of ribs/chest 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71110 X-ray exam of ribs 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71111 X-ray exam of ribs/chest 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71120 X-ray exam of breastbone 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71130 X-ray exam of breastbone 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71250 CT thorax w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71260 CT thorax w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71270 CT thorax w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71271 Low dose CT scan of chest for lung cancer screening 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologist Tech in Modality they are performing
71275 CT angiography, chest 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71550 MRI chest w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71551 MRI chest w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71552 MRI chest w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
71555 MRI angio chest w or w/o dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72020 X-ray exam of spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72040 X-ray exam of neck spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72050 X-ray exam of neck spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72052 X-ray exam of neck spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72070 X-ray exam of thoracic spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72072 X-ray exam of thoracic spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72074 X-ray exam of thoracic spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist (in modality they are performing
72080 X-ray exam of trunk spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72081 X-ray of spine, 1 view 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72082 X-ray of spine, 2 or 3 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72083 X-ray of spine, 4 or 5 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72084 X-ray of spine, minimum of 6 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72100 X-ray exam of lower spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72110 X-ray exam of lower spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72114 X-ray exam of lower spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72120 X-ray exam of lower spine 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72125 CT neck spine w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72126 CT neck spine w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72127 CT neck spine w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72128 CT chest spine w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72129 CT chest spine w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72130 CT chest spine w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72131 CT lumbar spine w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72132 CT lumbar spine w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72133 CT lumbar spine w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72141 MRI neck spine w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72142 MRI neck spine w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72146 MRI chest spine w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72147 MRI chest spine w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72148 MRI lumbar spine w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72149 MRI lumbar spine w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72156 MRI neck spine w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72157 MRI chest spine w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72158 MRI lumbar spine w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72159 MR angiography spinal canal and contents w/ or w/o contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72170 X-ray exam of pelvis 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72190 X-ray exam of pelvis 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72191 CT angiograph pelvis w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72192 CT pelvis w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72193 CT pelvis w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72194 CT pelvis w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72195 MRI pelvis w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72196 MRI pelvis w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72197 MRI pelvis w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72198 MR angio pelvis w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72200 X-ray exam sacroiliac joints 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72202 X-ray exam sacroiliac joints 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72220 X-ray exam of tailbone 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72240 Contrast x-ray of neck spine 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72255 Contrast x-ray, thorax spine 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72265 Contrast x-ray, lower spine 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72270 Contrast x-ray, spine 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72275 Epidurography 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72285 Diskography cervical or thoracic 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
72295 X-ray of lower spine disk 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73000 X-ray exam of collar bone 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73010 X-ray exam of shoulder blade 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73020 X-ray exam of shoulder 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73030 X-ray exam of shoulder 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73040 Contrast x-ray of shoulder 3 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73050 X-ray exam of shoulders 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73060 X-ray exam of humerus 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73070 X-ray exam of elbow 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73080 X-ray exam of elbow 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73085 Contrast x-ray of elbow 3 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73090 X-ray exam of forearm 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73092 X-ray exam of arm, infant 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73100 X-ray exam of wrist 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73110 X-ray exam of wrist 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73115 Contrast x-ray of wrist 3 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73120 X-ray exam of hand 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73130 X-ray exam of hand 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73140 X-ray exam of finger(s) 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73200 CT upper extremity w/o dye 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73201 CT upper extremity w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73202 CT uppr extremity w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73206 CT angio upr extrm w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73218 MRI upper extremity w/o dye 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73219 MRI upper extremity w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73220 MRI uppr extremity w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73221 MRI joint upr extrem w/o dye 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73222 MRI joint upr extrem w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73223 MRI joint upr extr w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73225 MR angiography, upper extremity w or w/o contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73501 X-ray of hip with pelvis, 1 view 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73502 X-ray of hip with pelvis, 2-3 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73503 X-ray of hip with pelvis, minimum of 4 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73521 X-ray of both hips with pelvis, 2 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73522 X-ray of both hips with pelvis, 3-4 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73523 X-ray of both hips with pelvis, minimum of 5 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73525 Contrast x-ray of hip 3 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73551 X-ray of femur, 1 view 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73552 X-ray of femur, minimum 2 views 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73560 X-ray exam of knee, 1 or 2 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73562 X-ray exam of knee, 3 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73564 X-ray exam, knee, 4 or more 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73565 X-ray exam of knees 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73580 Contrast x-ray of knee joint 3 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73590 X-ray exam of lower leg 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73592 X-ray exam of leg, infant 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73600 X-ray exam of ankle 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73610 X-ray exam of ankle 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73615 Contrast x-ray of ankle 3 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73620 X-ray exam of foot 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73630 X-ray exam of foot 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73650 X-ray exam of heel 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73660 X-ray exam of toe(s) 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73700 CT lower extremity w/o dye 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73701 CT lower extremity w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73702 CT lwr extremity w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73706 CT angio lwr extr w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73718 MRI lower extremity w/o dye 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73719 MRI lower extremity w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73720 MRI lwr extremity w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73721 MRI jnt of lwr extre w/o dye 1 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73722 MRI joint of lwr extr w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73723 MRI joint lwr extr w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
73725 MR ang lwr ext w or w/o dye 2 Radiologist or Orthopaedic Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74000 X-ray exam of abdomen 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74010 X-ray exam of abdomen 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74018 X-Ray of abdomen 1 view 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74019 X-Ray of abdomen 2 views 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74020 X-ray exam of abdomen 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74021 X-Ray of abdomen of 3 views 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74022 X-ray exam series, abdomen 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74150 CT abdomen w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74160 CT abdomen w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74170 CT abdomen w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74174 Computed Tomographic Angiography, abdomen & pelvis 2 Radiologist or Vascular Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74175 CT angio abdom w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74176 CT abdomen & pelvis w/o contrast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74177 CT abdomen & pelvis w/contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74178 CT abdomen & pelvis w/o contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74181 MRI abdomen w/o dye 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74182 MRI abdomen w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74183 MRI abdomen w/o & w/dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74185 MRI angio, abdom w orw/o dye 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74190 Peritoneogram 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74210 Contrast x-ray exam of throat 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74220 Contrast x-ray, esophagus 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74221 X-ray of esophagus with double contrast 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74230 Cine/vid x-ray, throat/esoph 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74235 Removal FB, esophageal Radiology supervision 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74240 X-ray exam, upper gi tract 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74241 X-ray exam, upper gi tract 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74245 X-ray exam, upper gi tract 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74246 Contrast x-ray uppr gi tract 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74247 Contrast x-ray uppr gi tract 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74248 Follow-through X-ray of upper digestive tract with multiple 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74249 Contrast x-ray uppr gi tract 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74250 X-ray exam of small bowel 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74251 X-ray exam of small bowel 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74260 X-ray exam of small bowel 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74270 Contrast x-ray exam of colon 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74280 Contrast x-ray exam of colon 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74283 Contrast x-ray exam of colon 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74290 Contrast x-ray, gallbladder 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74300 X-ray bile ducts/pancreas 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74301 X-rays at surgery add-on 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74328 X-ray bile duct endoscopy 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74329 X-ray for pancreas endoscopy 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74330 X-ray bile/panc endoscopy 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74340 Introduction of long gastrointestinal tube 3 Radiologist or Gastroenterologist or Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74400 Contrast x-ray, urinary tract 2 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74410 Contrast x-ray, urinary tract 2 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74415 Contrast x-ray, urinary tract 2 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74420 Contrast x-ray, urinary tract 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74425 Contrast x-ray, urinary tract 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74430 Contrast x-ray, bladder 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74440 X-ray, male genital tract 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74445 X-ray exam of penis 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74450 X-ray, urethra/bladder 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74455 X-ray, urethra/bladder 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74470 X-ray exam of kidney lesion 3 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74710 X-ray measurement of pelvis 1 Radiologist or Urologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74740 X-ray, female genital tract 3 Radiologist or Gynecologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74742 X-ray, fallopian tube 3 Radiologist or Gynecologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
74775 X-ray exam of perineum 3 Radiologist or Gynecologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75557 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for morphology and function w/o contrast 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75559 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for morphology and function w/o contrast, w/ stress imaging 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75561 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for morphology and function w/o then w/ contrast 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75563 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for morphology and function w/ stress testing 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75565 (secondary code) Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for velocity flow mapping (same parameters as primary codes 75557, 75559, 75561 or 75563) 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75571 Computed tomography, heart, w/out contrast material, w/ quantitative evaluation of coronary calcium 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75572 Computed tomorgraphy, heart, w/ contrast material, for evaluation of cardiac structure and morphology 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75573 Computed tomograph, heart w/ contrast material, for evaluation of cardiac structure and morphology in the setting of congenital heart disease 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75574 Computed tomographic angiography, heart, coronary arteries and bypass grafts (when present), with contrast material 2 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75600 Contrast x-ray exam of aorta 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75605 Contrast x-ray exam of aorta 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75625 Contrast x-ray exam of aorta 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75630 X-ray aorta, leg arteries 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75635 CT angio abdominal arteries 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75658 Artery x-rays, arm 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75705 Artery x-rays, spine 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75710 Artery x-rays, arm/leg 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75716 Artery x-rays, arms/legs 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75726 Artery x-rays, abdomen 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75731 Artery x-rays, adrenal gland 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75733 Artery x-rays, adrenals 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75736 Artery x-rays, pelvis 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75741 Artery x-rays, lung 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75743 Artery x-rays, lungs 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75746 Artery x-rays, lung 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75756 Artery x-rays, chest 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75774 Artery x-ray, each vessel 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75791 Visualize A-V shunt 3 Radiologist or Vascular Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75801 Lymph vessel x-ray, arm/leg 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75803 Lymph vessel x-ray,arms/legs 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75805 Lymph vessel x-ray, trunk 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75807 Lymph vessel x-ray, trunk 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75809 Nonvascular shunt, x-ray 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75810 Vein x-ray, spleen/liver 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75820 Vein x-ray, arm/leg 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75822 Vein x-ray, arms/legs 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75825 Vein x-ray, trunk 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75827 Vein x-ray, chest 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75831 Vein x-ray, kidney 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75833 Vein x-ray, kidneys 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75840 Vein x-ray, adrenal gland 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75842 Vein x-ray, adrenal glands 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75860 Vein x-ray, neck 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75870 Vein x-ray, skull 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75872 Vein x-ray, skull 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75880 Vein x-ray, eye socket 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist
75885 Vein x-ray, liver 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75887 Vein x-ray, liver 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75889 Vein x-ray, liver 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75891 Vein x-ray, liver 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75893 Venous Sampling 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
75894 Transcatheter therapy embolization 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76000 Fluoroscopy (separate procedure; up to one hour physician 3 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76001 Fluoroscopy more than one hour helpin non-radiologist 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76010 X-ray, nose to rectum 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76080 X-ray exam of fistula 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76098 X-ray exam, breast specimen 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76100 X-ray exam of body section 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76101 Complex body section x-ray 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76102 Complex body section x-rays 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76120 Cine/video x-rays 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76125 Cine/video x-rays add-on 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76376 3D rendering with interpretation and reporting of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, or other tomographic modality; not requiring image postprocessing on an independent workstation 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76377 3D rendering with interpretation and reporting of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, or other tomographic modality; requiring image postprocessing on an independent workstation 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76380 CAT scan follow-up study 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76391 Magnetic resonance (eg, vibration) elastography 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76393 Magnetic resonance guidance for needle placement (eg, for bio modality 1-4) 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
76499 Unlisted Diagnostic Radiologic Procedure 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76506 Echo exam of head 2 Radiologist or Neurologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76510 Ophth us, b & quant a 2 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76511 Ophth us, quant a only 2 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76512 Ophth us, b w/non-quant a 2 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76513 Echo exam of eye, water bath 2 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76516 Echo exam of eye 1 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76519 Echo exam of eye 1 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76529 Echo exam of eye 1 Ophthalmologist or Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing r JCAHPO - COMT, COT
76536 Us exam of head and neck 1 Radiologist or Neurologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76604 Us exam, chest, b-scan 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76641 Ultrasound of one breast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76642 Ultrasound of one breast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76700 Us exam, abdom, complete 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76705 Echo exam of abdomen 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76706 Ultrasound evaluation of abdominal aorta to detect bulging 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76770 Us exam abdo back wall, comp 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76775 Us exam abdo back wall, lim 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76776 Ultrasound Transplanted Kidney 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76800 Us exam, spinal canal 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76801 Ob us < 14 wks, single fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76802 Ob us < 14 wks, addl fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76805 Ob us >/= 14 wks, sngl fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76810 Ob us >/= 14 wks, addl fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76811 Ob us, detailed, sngl fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76812 Ob us, detailed, addl fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76813 Ob us, nuchal lucency first 1 Radiologist or OB/GYN Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76814 Ob us, nuchal lucency, additional gestation 1 Radiologist or OB/GYN Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76815 Ob us, limited, fetus(s) 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76816 Ob us, follow-up, per fetus 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76817 Transvaginal us, obstetric 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76818 Fetal biophys profile w/nst 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76819 Fetal biophys profil w/o nst 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76820 Doppler Velocimetry, Fetal; Umbilical Artery 2 Radiology; OB/GYN, Maternal Fetal Medicine Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76821 Doppler velocimetry, fetal; middle cerebral artery 3 Radiology; OB/GYN, Maternal Fetal Medicine Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76825 Echo exam of fetal heart 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76826 Echo exam of fetal heart 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76827 Echo exam of fetal heart 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76828 Echo exam of fetal heart 3 Radiologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76830 Transvaginal us, non-ob 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76831 Echo exam, uterus 3 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76856 Us exam, pelvic, complete 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76857 Us exam, pelvic, limited 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76870 Us exam, scrotum 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76872 Us, transrectal 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76881 Us, extremity, nonvascular, real-time with image 1 Radiologist, Orthopedics, Podiatry Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76882 Us, extremity, nonvascular, real-time with image 1 Radiologist, Orthopedics, Podiatry Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76885 Us exam infant hips, dynamic 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76886 Us exam infant hips, static 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76945 U/S guidance for chorionic villae sampling 3 Radiologist or OB/GYN Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76946 U/S guidance for amniocentesis 3 Radiologist or OB/GYN Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76970 Ultrasound exam follow-up 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76975 GI endoscopic ultrasound 3 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76977 Us bone density measure 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76981 Ultrasound, elastography; parenchyma (eg, organ) 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76982 First target lesion 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
76983 Each additional target lesion 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
77002 Fluoroscopy for needle placement 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77010 COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY GUIDANCE FOR STEREOTACTIC LOCALIZATION 2 Radiologist or Radiation Oncologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77011 Computed tomography guidance for sterotactic localization 2 Radiologist or Radiation Oncologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77014 Computed tomography guidance for placement of radiation therapy fields 2 Radiologist or Radiation Oncologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77021 MRI Needle Localization 3 Radiologist or Neurologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
77046 MRI of one breast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
77047 MRI of both breasts 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
77048 MRI of one breast with or without contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
77049 MRI of both breasts with or without contrast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
77051 Computer mammogram add-on 9 Concept of physician supervision does not apply Facility must be FDA Certified to Perform Mammography
77052 Computer mammogram add-on 9 Concept of physician supervision does not apply Facility must be FDA Certified to Perform Mammography
77053 X-ray of mammary duct 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77054 X-ray of mammary ducts 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77055 Mammogram, one breast 9 Concept of physician supervision does not apply Facility must be FDA Certified to Perform Mammography
77056 Mammogram, both breasts 9 Concept of physician supervision does not apply Facility must be FDA Certified to Perform Mammography
77057 Mammogram, screening 9 Concept of physician supervision does not apply Facility must be FDA Certified to Perform Mammography
77058 (end dated 12/31/2018) Magnetic image, breast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77059 ( end dated 12/31/2018) Magnetic image, both breasts 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77061 Digital tomography of one breast 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77062 Digital tomography of both breasts 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77063 Screening digital tomography of both breasts 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77065 Mammography of one breast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77066 Mammography of both breast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77067 Mammography of one breast 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77071 X-ray stress view 3 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77072 X-rays for bone age 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77073 X-rays, bone evaluation 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77074 X-rays, bone survey 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77075 X-rays, bone survey 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77076 X-rays, bone evaluation 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77077 Joint survey, single view 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77078 Ct bone density, axial 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77080 Dxa bone density, axial 1 Radiologist or Internal Medicine Specialist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77081 Dxa bone density/peripheral 1 Radiologist or Internal Medicine Specialist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77084 Magnetic image, bone marrow 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77085 Bone density measurement using dedicated X-ray machine 1 Radiologist or Internal Medicine Specialist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
77086 Fracture assessment of spine bones using dedicated X-ray mach 1 Radiologist or Internal Medicine Specialist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78012 Nuclear medicine imaging for thyroid update measurements 9 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78013 Nuclear Medicine Imaging of Thyroid 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78014 Nuclear medicine imaging of thyroid 2 Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78015 Thyroid met imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78016 Thyroid met imaging/studies 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78018 Thyroid met imaging, body 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78020 Thyroid met uptake 9 Refernce specific Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78070 Parathyroid nuclear imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78071 Imaging of parathyroid with nuclear medicine study 2 Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78072 Imaging of parathyroid with ct and nuclear medicine study 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78075 Adrenal nuclear imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78102 Bone marrow imaging, ltd 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78103 Bone marrow imaging, mult 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78104 Bone marrow imaging, body 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78110 Plasma volume, single 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78111 Plasma volume, multiple 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78120 Red cell mass, single 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78121 Red cell mass, multiple 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78122 Blood volume 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78130 Red cell survival study 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78135 Red cell survival kinetics 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78140 Red cell sequestration 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78185 Spleen imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78190 Platelet survival, kinetics 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78191 Platelet survival 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78195 Lymph system imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78201 Liver imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78202 Liver imaging with flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78205 Liver imaging (3D) 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78206 Liver image (3d) with flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78215 Liver and spleen imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78216 Liver & spleen image/flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78226 Hepatobiliary system imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78227 Hepatobiliary system imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78230 Salivary gland imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78231 Serial salivary imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78232 Salivary gland function exam 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78258 Esophageal motility study 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78261 Gastric mucosa imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78262 Gastroesophageal reflux exam 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78264 Gastric emptying study 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78265 Stomach emptying and small bowel transit study 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78266 Stomach emptying and small bowel with colon transit study 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78270 Vit B-12 absorption exam 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78271 Vit b-12 absrp exam, int fac 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78272 Vit B-12 absorp, combined 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78278 Acute GI blood loss imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78282 GI protein loss exam 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78290 Meckels divert exam 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78291 Leveen/shunt patency exam 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78300 Bone imaging, limited area 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78305 Bone imaging, multiple areas 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78306 Bone imaging, whole body 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78315 Bone imaging, 3 phase 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78320 Bone imaging (3D) 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78350 Bone mineral, single photon 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78414 Non-imaging heart function 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78428 Cardiac shunt imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78445 Non-Cardiac vascular flow 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78451 Myocardial perfusion imaging, tomographic (SPECT); single study, at rest or stress 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78452 multiple studies, at rest and/or stress 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78453 Myocardial perfusion imaging, planar; single study, at rest or stress 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78454 multiple studies, at test and/or stress 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78456 Acute venous thrombus image 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78457 Venous thrombosis imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78458 Ven thrombosis images, bilat 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78459 Heart muscle imaging (PET) 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78464 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Tomographic (Spect), Single 2 Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78465 Myocardial Perfusion Imaging; Tomographic (Spect), Multiple 2 Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78466 Heart infarct image 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78468 Heart infarct image (ef) 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78469 Heart infarct image (3D) 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78472 Gated heart, planar, single 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78473 Gated heart, multiple 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78481 Heart first pass, single 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78483 Heart first pass, multiple 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78491 Heart image (pet), single 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78492 Heart image (pet), multiple 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78494 Heart image, spect 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78496 Heart first pass add-on 2 Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78579 PULMONARY VENTILATION IMAGING (EG, AEROSOL OR GAS) 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78580 Lung perfusion imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78582 Pulmonary perfusion imaging; gaseous, w/ ventilation 1 Radiologist or Pulmonologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78597 QUANTITATIVE DIFFERENTIAL PULMONARY PERFUSION, INCLUDING IMA 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78598 QUANTITATIVE DIFFERENTIAL PULMONARY PERFUSION AND VENTILATION 2 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78600 Brain imaging, ltd static 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78601 Brain imaging, ltd w/flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78605 Brain imaging, complete 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
78606 Brain imaging, compl w/flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78607 Brain imaging (3D) 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78608 Brain imaging (PET) 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78609 Brain imaging (PET) 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78610 Brain flow imaging only 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78630 Cerebrospinal fluid scan 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78635 CSF ventriculography 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78645 CSF shunt evaluation 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78647 Cerebrospinal fluid scan 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78650 CSF leakage imaging 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78660 Nuclear exam of tear flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78700 Kidney imaging, static 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78701 Kidney imaging with flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78707 Kidney flow/function image 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78708 Kidney flow/function image 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78709 Kidney flow/function image 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78710 Kidney imaging (3D) 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78725 Kidney function study 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78730 Urinary bladder retention 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78740 Ureteral reflux study 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78761 Testicular imaging/flow 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78800 Tumor imaging, limited area 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78801 Tumor imaging, mult areas 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78802 Tumor imaging, whole body 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78803 Tumor imaging (3D) 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78804 Tumor imaging, whole body 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78805 Abscess imaging, ltd area 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78806 Abscess imaging, whole body 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78807 Nuclear localization/abscess 2 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78810 Tumor imaging (pet), metabolic 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78811 Tumor imaging (pet), limited 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78812 Tumor image (pet)/skul-thigh 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78813 Tumor image (pet) full body 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78814 Tumor image pet/ct, limited 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78815 Tumorimage pet/ct skul-thigh 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
78816 Tumor image pet/ct full body 1 Nuclear Medicine or Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
82570 Other Source 1 Any physician can do Lab tech, RN, LPN, Paramedic, Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
82565 Creatinine; Blood 1 Any physician can do Lab tech, RN, LPN, Paramedic, Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
82948 Glucose; Blood Reagent Strip 1 Any physician can do N/A
84520 Urea Nitrogen; Quantitative 1 Pathology, Nephrology, Internal Medicine State certified lab technician in modality they are performing
84525 Urea Nitrogen; SemiQuantitative 1 Pathology, Nephrology, Internal Medicine State certified lab technician in modality they are performing
91010 Esophagus motility study 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91020 Gastric motility 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91022 Duodenal motility (manometric) study 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91030 Acid perfusion of esophagus 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91034 Gastroesophageal reflux test 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91035 G-esoph reflx tst w/electrod 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91037 Esoph imped function test 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91038 Esoph imped funct test > 1h 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91040 Esoph balloon distension test 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91065 Breath hydrogen test 2 Gastroenterologist GI trained RN, LPN
91120 Rectal sensation test 2 Gastroenterologist Colorectal Surgeon GI trained RN, LPN
91122 Anal pressure record 2 Gastroenterologist Colorectal Surgeon GI trained RN, LPN
91132 Electrogastrography 3 Gastroenterologist Physician Only Service
91133 Electrogastrography w/test 3 Gastroenterologist Physician Only Service
92081 Visual field examination(s) 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92082 Visual field examination(s) 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92083 Visual field examination(s) 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92136 Ophthalmic biometry 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92235 Fluorescein Angiography 2 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92240 Icg angiography 2 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92250 Eye exam with photos 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92265 Eye muscle evaluation 3 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92270 Electro-oculography 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92275 Electroretinography 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92283 Color vision examination 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92284 Dark adaptation eye exam 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92285 Eye photography 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92286 Internal eye photography 1 Ophthalmologist, Neurologist or Optometrist Credentialed by JCAHPO: COMT
92516 Facial Nerve Function Test 2 ENT or Neurology Licensed Audiologist
92540 Basic Vestibular Eval; includes spontaneous nystagmus 1 Neurology; ENT; Audiologist Audiologic tech; physician-trained RN/tech
92541 Spontaneous nystagmus test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92542 Positional nystagmus test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92544 Optokinetic nystagmus test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92545 Oscillating tracking test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92546 Sinusoidal rotational test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92547 Supplemental electrical test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92548 Posturography 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92552 Pure tone audiometry, air 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92553 Audiometry, air & bone 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92555 Speech threshold audiometry 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92556 Speech audiometry, complete 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92557 Comprehensive hearing test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92561 Bekesy audiometry, diagnosis 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92562 Loudness balance test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92563 Tone decay hearing test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92564 Sisi hearing test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92565 Stenger test, pure tone 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92567 Tympanometry 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92568 Acoustic reflex testing 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92570 Acoustic reflex decay test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92571 Filtered speech hearing test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92572 Staggered spondaic word test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92575 Sensorineural acuity test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92576 Synthetic sentence test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92577 Stenger test, speech 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92579 Visual audiometry (vra) 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92582 Conditioning play audiometry 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92583 Select picture audiometry 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92584 Electrocochleography 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92585 Auditor evoke potent, compre 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92586 Auditor evoke potent, limit 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Licensed Audiologist
92587 Evoked auditory test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92588 Evoked auditory test 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92596 Ear protector evaluation 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92597 Oral speech device eval 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Licensed Audiologist
92611 MOTION FLUROSCOPIC EVALUATION OF SWALLOWING FUNCTION BY CINE OR VIDEO RECORDING 2 Board Certified Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
92620 Evaluation of central auditory function, with report,initial 60 minutes 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92621 Evaluation of central auditory function, with report; each additional 15 minutes 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
92625 Assessment of tinnitus (includes pitch, loudness matching, and masking) 5 Neurologist or Otolaryngologist Licensed Audiologist
93000 Electrocardiogram, complete 1 Internist or Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93005 Electrocardiogram, tracing 1 Internist or Cardiologist RT, ARDMS, RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic CCI  or NHA CET
93010 Electrocardiogram report 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply RN, LPN,or NREMT-Paramedic
93015 Cardiovascular stress test 2 Internist or Cardiologist - ACLS certified RN
93016 Cardiovascular stress test 2 Internist or Cardiologist - ACLS certified RN
93017 Cardiovascular stress test 2 Internist or Cardiologist - ACLS certified RN
93018 Cardiovascular stress test 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
93024 Cardiac drug stress test 3 Internist or Cardiologist - ACLS certified Physician only service
93025 Microvolt t-wave assess 2 Internist or Cardiologist - ACLS certified RN
93040 Rhythm ECG with report 1 Internist or Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93041 Rhythm ECG, tracing 1 Internist or Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93042 Rhythm ECG, report 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
93224 ECG monitor/report, 24 hrs 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93225 ECG monitor/record, 24 hrs 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93226 ECG monitor/report, 24 hrs 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93227 ECG monitor/review, 24 hrs 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
93228 Wearable mobile cardiovascular Telemetry with 3 Cardiologist RN, LPN or NREMT- Paramedic
93229 Wearable mobile cardiovascular Telemetry with 1 Cardiologist Rn, Cardiac tech
93241 Heart rhythm recording, analysis, report, review and interp 1 Cardiologist RN, LNP, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI or NHA CET
93242 Heart rhythm recording continuous external EKG over more than 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93243 Heart rhythm analysis and report of continuous external EKG over 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93244 Heart rhythm review, and interpretation of continuous external electrocardiographic 1 Cardiologist RN, LNP, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI or NHA CET
93245 Heart rhythm recording, analysis, interpretation and report 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93246 Heart rhythm recording continuous external EKG over more than 8-15 da 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93247 Heart rhythm analysis and report of continuous external EKG over 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93248 Heart rhythm review, and interpretation of continuous external 1 Cardiologist RN, LNP, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI or NHA CET
93268 ECG record/review 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93270 ECG recording 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93271 ECG/monitoring and analysis 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93272 ECG/review, interpret only 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
93278 ECG/signal-averaged 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic, CCI  or NHA CET
93293 Transtelephonic rhythm strip pacemaker evaluation single 1 Cardiologist N/A
93294 Interrogation device evaluations remote up to 90 days 1 Cardiologist N/A
93295 Interrogation device evaluations remote up to 90 days 1 Cardiologist N/A
93296 Interrogation device evaluations remote up to 90 days 1 Cardiologist N/A
93297 Interrogation device evaluations remote up to 30 days 1 Cardiologist N/A
93298 Interrogation device evaluations remote up to 30 days 1 Cardiologist N/A
93299 Interrogation device evaluations remote up to 30 days 1 Cardiologist Credentialed by CCI as CCT or NHA CET **Carrier Discretion**
93303 Echo transthoracic 1 Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS, CCI or NHA CET
93304 Echo transthoracic 1 Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS, CCI or NHA CET
93306 Echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time w/ image 1 Radiologists, Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93306 TC Echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time w/ image 1 Radiologists, Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93306 26 Echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time w/ image 1 Radiologists, Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
93307 Echo exam of heart 1 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93308 Echo exam of heart 1 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93312 Echo transesophageal 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93313 Echo transesophageal 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93314 Echo transesophageal 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93315 Echo transesophageal 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93316 Echo transesophageal 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93317 Echo transesophageal 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93320 Doppler echo exam, heart 1 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93321 Doppler echo exam, heart 1 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93325 Doppler color flow add-on 1 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93350 Echo transthoracic, stress test 2 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing or CCI, NHA CET
93351 Echocardiography, Transthoractic, Real-Time w/ Image 1 Radiologist, Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
93352 Use of Echocardiographic Contrast Agent During Stress 1 Radiologist, Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
93356 Heart muscle strain imaging 1 Radiologist, Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
93451 Right heart catheterization 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist, in modality they are performing CRT, RCIS.
93452 Left heart catheterization 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93453 Combined right and left heart catheterization 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93454 Catheter placement in coronary artery(s) for coronary angiography including injection, imaging, supervision & interp 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93455 catheter placement bypass graft 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93456 with right heart cath 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93457 for bypass & right heart cath 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93458 with left heart cath 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93459 with left heart cath with bypass graft 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93460 with right and left heart cath 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93461 with right and left heart cath bypass 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93462 Left heart catheterization by transseptal puncture through intact septum or by transapical puncture 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93463 Pharmacologic agent administration 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93464 Physiologic exercise study 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93563 Inj. procedure during cardiac cath for selective coronary angiography during congenial heart cath 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93564 Inj. procedure during cardiac cath for selective opacification of aortocoronary venous or arterial bypass graft(s) 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93565 Inj. procedure during cardiac cath for selective left ventricular or left atrial angiography 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93566 Inj. procedure during cardiac cath for selective right ventricular or right atrial angiography 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist, in modality they are performing CRT, RCIS.
93567 Inj. procedure during cardiac cath for supravalvular aortography 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93568 Inj. procedure during cardiac cath for pulmonary angiography 3 Cardiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing, CRT, RCIS.
93660 Cardiac Tilt Table Test 3 Cardiologist RN, LPN,or NREMT-Paramedic
93701 Bioimpedance Testing 1 Radiology Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing (ARRT:R.T.-R)
93724 Electronic analysis of antiarrhythmic pacemaker 3 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic or CCI
93740 Temperature Gradient Studies 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic or CCI
93770 Determination of venous pressure 1 Cardiologist RN, LPN, NREMT-Paramedic or CCI
93784 Ambulatory BP monitoring 1 Cardiologist, Internal Medicine, Family Practice RN, LPN,or NREMT-Paramedic
93786 Ambulatory BP recording 1 Cardiologist, Internal Medicine, Family Practice RN, LPN,or NREMT-Paramedic
93788 Ambulatory BP analysis 9 concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
93790 Review/report BP recording 9 concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
93880 Extracranial study 1 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI or NHA CET
93882 Extracranial study 1 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI or NHA CET
93886 Intracranial study 1 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI or NHA CET
93888 Intracranial study 1 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI or NHA CET
93890 Tcd, vasoreactivity study 1 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS
93892 Tcd, emboli detect w/o inj 1 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS
93893 Tcd, emboli detect w/inj 2 Radiologist, Neurologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS
93895 Duplex scan of extracranial arteries; complete bilateral study. 1 Board Certified Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
93922 Extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93923 Extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93924 Extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93925 Lower extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93926 Lower extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93930 Upper extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93931 Upper extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93965 Extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93970 Extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93971 Extremity study 1 Radiologist or Cardiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93975 Vascular study 1 Radiologist or Vascular Surgeon Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93976 Vascular study 1 Radiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93978 Vascular study 1 Radiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93979 Vascular study 1 Radiologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93980 Penile vascular study 1 Radiologist or Urologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93981 Penile vascular study 1 Radiologist or Urologist Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93985 Duplex scan of arterial inflow & venous outflow complete bilateral study 1 Radiologist or Vascular Surgeon Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93986 Duplex scan of arterial inflow & venous outflow complete unilateral study 1 Radiologist or Vascular Surgeon Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
93990 Doppler flow testing 1 Radiologist or Vascular Surgeon Credentialed by ARDMS RVT or ARRT: VS, RVS, CCI, or NHA CET
94010 Breathing capacity test 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94014 Patient recorded spirometry 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94015 Patient recorded spirometry 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94016 Review patient spirometry 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Professional component code - must be performed by a physician
94060 Evaluation of wheezing 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94070 Evaluation of wheezing 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94150 Vital capacity test 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94200 Lung function test (MBC/MVV) 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94250 Expired gas collection 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94375 Respiratory flow volume loop 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94400 CO2 breathing response curve 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94450 Hypoxia response curve 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94452 Hast w/report 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94453 Hast w/oxygen titrate 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94617 Exercise test for spasm of lung airways 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT or RRT) or RN with relevant experience
94617 TC Exercise test for spasm of lung airways with EKG 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT or RRT) or RN with relevant experience
94618 EXERCISE induced lung stress 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94619 Exercise test for spasm of lung airways 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94620 Thoracic Gas Volume 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94621 Lung Nitrogen Washout 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94680 Exhaled air analysis, o2 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94681 Exhaled air analysis, o2/co2 2 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94690 Exhaled air analysis 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94726 Plethysmography for determination of lung volumes 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT)
94729 Diffusing capacity (eg. Carbon monoxide, membrane) 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT)
94750 Pulmonary compliance study 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94760 Measure blood oxygen level 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94761 Measure blood oxygen level 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94762 Measure blood oxygen level 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94770 Exhaled carbon dioxide test 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
94772 Breath recording, infant 1 Pulmonologist Credentialed by NBRC (CPFT, RPFT orRRT) or RN with relevant experience
95004 Percut allergy skin tests 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95024 Id allergy test, drug/bug 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95027 Id allergy titrate-airborne 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95028 Id allergy test-delayed type 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95044 Allergy patch tests 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95052 Photo patch test 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95056 Photosensitivity tests 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95060 Eye allergy tests 3 Otolaryngologist, Ophthalmologist or Optometrist RN
95065 Nose allergy test 3 Otolaryngologist RN
95070 Bronchial allergy tests 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95071 Bronchial allergy tests 2 Otolaryngologist RN
95700 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), administered 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95705 Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG, 2-12 hours, unmonitored 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95706 Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG, 2-12 hours, unmonitored 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95707 Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 2-12 hours, with 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95708 Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 12-26 hours 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95709 Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 12-26 hours, with 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95710 Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 12-26 hours, with 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95711 Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 2-12 ho 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95712 Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 2-12 ho 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95713 Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 2-12 ho 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95714 Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 12-26 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95715 Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 12-26 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95716 Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 12-26 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95717 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 2-12 hou 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95718 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEE 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95719 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 12-26 ho 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95720 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEE 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95721 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 37-60 ho 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95722 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEE 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95723 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 61-84 ho 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95724 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEE 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95725 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity with (EEG), mor 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95726 Continuous measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEE 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95800 Sleep study, unattended, simultaneous recording (Not approved for home study - see G0398, G0399, G0400) 1 (ABSM or IM) or Pulmonary w/ add'tl subspecialty in Sleep Medicine Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95801 Sleep study, unattended, simultaneous recording (Not approved for home study - see G0398, G0399, G0400) 1 (ABSM or IM) or Pulmonary w/ add'tl subspecialty in Sleep Medicine Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95803 Actigraphy testing, recording, analysis, interpretation, and report (minimum of 72 hours to 14 consecutive days) 1 Pulmonologist, Neurologist or Certified by ABSM Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomnography)
95805 Multiple sleep latency test 1 Pulmonologist,Neurologist or Certified by ABSM (subspecialty in sleep medicine is acceptable) Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95806 Sleep study, unattended (Not approved for home study - see G0398, G0399, G0400) 1 Pulmonologist,Neurologist or Certified by ABSM Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95807 Sleep study, attended 1 Pulmonologist,Neurologist or Certified by ABSM Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95808 Polysomnography, 1-3 1 Pulmonologist,Neurologist or Certified by ABSM Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95810 Polysomnography, 4 or more 1 Pulmonologist,Neurologist or Certified by ABSM (subspecialty in sleep medicine is acceptable) Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95811 Polysomnography w/cpap 1 Pulmonologist,Neurologist or Certified by ABSM (subspecialty in sleep medicine is acceptable) Credentialed by BRPT, NBRC, or ABRET (Polysomography)
95812 Eeg, 41-60 minutes 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95813 Eeg, over 1 hour 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95816 Eeg, awake and drowsy 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95819 Eeg, awake and asleep 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95822 Eeg, coma or sleep only 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95824 Eeg, cerebral death only 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95827 Eeg, all night recording 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95830 Insert electrodes for EEG 9 Concept of a professional/technical component does not apply Physician service code - must be performed by a physician
95857 Tensilon test for myasthenia gravis 3 Neurologist N/A
95860 Needle EMG One extremity 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95861 Needle EMG Two extremities 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95863 Needle EMG Three extremities 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95864 Needle EMG Four extremities 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95867 Needle EMG Cranial Nerves unilateral 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95868 Needle EMG Cranial Nerves bilateral 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95869 Needle EMG Thoracic paraspinal muscles 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95870 Needle EMG, limited study 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95872 Needle EMG Quantitative 66 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95875 Ischemic Limb Exercise test 3 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95885 Needle electromyography, each extremity with related paraspi 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Certification in electrodx technology/medicine.
95886 Needle electromyography, each extremity with related paraspi 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Certification in electrodx technology/medicine.
95887 Needle electromyography, non extremity (cranial nerve) 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Certification in electrodx technology/medicine.
95907 1 nerve transmission studies, 1-2 studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95908 1 nerve transmission studies, 3-4 studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95909 1 nerve transmission studies, 5-6 studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95910 1 nerve transmission studies, 7-8 studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95911 1 nerve transmission studies, 9-10 studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95912 1 nerve transmission studies, 11-12 studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95913 1 nerve transmission studies, 13 or more studies 2 Neurology or Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ABEM-NCS
95921 Autonomic Nervous system testing 2 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95922 Autonomic Nervous system testing 3 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95923 Autonomic Nervous system testing 3 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95924 Testing of autonomic (sympathetic) nervous system function, a 9 Electrodiagnostic testing fellowship or similar credentials Formal electrodiagnostic testing credentials
95925 Short Latency SEPS, upper limbs 21 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95926 Short Latency SEPS, lower limbs 21 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95927 Short Latency SEPS, trunk or head 21 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95930 Visual Evoked Response 21 Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95937 Neuromuscular junction testing (reptit IVE stimulation, paire) 6a Neurologist or Physiatrist with added certification by American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Physical therapist who is a qualified electrophysiologic clinic specialist
95943 Testing of autonomic (parasympathetic and sympathetic) nervou 9 Electrodiagnostic testing fellowship or similar credentials Formal electrodiagnostic testing credentials
95950 Ambulatory eeg monitoring 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95951 EEG monitoring/videorecord 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95953 EEG monitoring/computer 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95954 EEG monitoring/giving drugs 3 Neurologist Physician only service
95956 EEG monitoring, cable/radio 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95957 EEG digital analysis 1 Neurologist Credentialed by ABRET as R. EEG T
95958 EEG monitoring/function test 3 Neurologist Physician only service
96372 Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection 2 Any physician can do Any RN or technical certification can do
96374 Therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection intravenous push, single or initial substance/drug 1    
A9500 Technetium TC 99M sestamibi      
A9501 Technetium TC-99M teboroxime, diagnostic per study dose      
A9502 Technetium TC-99M tetrofosmin      
A9503 Supply of radiopharmaceutical diagnostic imaging agent      
A9504 Supply of radiopharmaceutical diagnostic imaging agent      
A9505 Thallous chloride TL 201-MCI      
A9507 Supply of RDIA, indium in 111 capromab pendetide, per dose      
A9508 Supply of radiopharmaceutical diagnostic imaging agent, ioben      
A9509 Iodine I-123 sodium iodide, diagnostic, per millicurie      
A9510 Supply of radiopharmaceutical diagnostic imaging agent      
A9512 Technetium TC-99M pertechnetate diagnostic, per millicurie      
A9516 Iodine, I-123 sodium iodide, diagnostic, per 100 microcuries      
A9521 Technetium TC-99M exametazime, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9526 Supply of Radiopharmaceutical Diagnostic Imaging Agent Based on parent code (PET scan)    
A9528 Iodine I-131 sodium iodide capsule(s) diagnostic, per millicurie      
A9529 Iodine I-131 sodium iodide capsule(s) diagnostic, per millicurie      
A9531 Iodine I-131 sodium iodide, diagnostic, per microcurie (up to 100 microcuries)      
A9536 Technetium TC-99M depreotide diagnostic, per study dose      
A9537 Technetium TC-99M Mebrofenin, Diagnostic, per study      
A9538 Technetium TC-99M pyrophosphate diagnostic, per study dose      
A9539 Technetium TC-99M pentetate diagnostic, per study dose      
A9540 Technetium TC-99M macroaggregated albumin diagnostic, per study dose      
A9541 Technetium TC-99M Sulfur Colloid, Diagnostic      
A9542 Indium IN-111 ibritumomab tiuxetan, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 5 millicuries      
A9544 Iodine I-131 tositumomab, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9546 Cobalt CO-57/58, cyanocobalamin, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 1 microcurie      
A9547 Indium IN-111 Oxyquinoline diagnostic, per 0.5 millicurie      
A9548 Indium In-111 pentetate, diagnostic, per 0.5 millicurie      
A9550 Technetium TC-99M Sodium Gluceptate, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9551 Technetium TC-99m succimer, diagnostic, per study dose up to 10 millicuries      
A9552 Fluorodeoxyglucose F-18 FDG, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9553 Chromium Cr-51 sodium chromate, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 250 microcuries      
A9554 Iodine I-125 sodium iothalamate, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 10 microcuries      
A9555 Rubidium RB-82 Diagnostic Per Study Dose, Up To 60 Millicur      
A9556 Gallim GA-67 Citrate, diagnostic, per millicurie      
A9557 Technetium TC-99M bicisate, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9558 Xenon XE-133 gas, diagnostic, per 10 millicuries      
A9559 Cobalt Co-57 cyanocobalamin, oral diagnostic, per study dose, up to 1 microcurie      
A9560 Technetium TC-99M labeled red blood cells, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9561 Technetium TC-99M Oxidronate, Diagnostic      
A9562 Technetium TC-99M mertiatide, diagnostic, per study dose      
A9566 Technetium TC-99M fanolesomab, diagnostic, per study dose, up to 25 millicuries      
A9567 Technetium TC-99M Pentetate, Diagnostic, Aerosol, Per Study Indirect Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
A9568 Technetium TC-99M Arcitumomab, Diagnostic, Per Study Dose, Up      
A9569 Technetium TC-99M Exametazime Labeled Autologous White Blood      
A9570 Indium IN-111 Labeled Autologous White Blood Cells, Diagnostic      
A9571 Indium IN-111 Labeled Autologous Platelets, Diagnostic      
A9572 Indium IN-111 Penetreotide, Diagnostic, Per Study Dose      
A9575 Injection, gadoterate meglumine, 0.1 ml Direct Radiology  
A9576 Injection Gadoteridol (Prohance Multipack) Per ML      
A9577 Injection Gadobenate Dimeglumine (Multihance) Per ML      
A9578 Injection Gadobenate Dimeglumine (Multihance Multipack) Per      
A9579 Injection Gadolinum-Based Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agent      
A9580 Sodium Fluoride F-18, diagnostic, Per Study Dose, up to 30      
A9581 Gadoxetate disodium inj -   Allowed only w/ CPT 74182 or 74183 to image liver  
A9585 Injection, Gadobutrol, 0.1 ML   All qualifications/requirements of MRI apply  
A9586 Florbetapir f18, diagnostic, per study dose 1 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
A9587 Gallium ga-68, dotatate, diagnostic, 0.1 millicurie 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
A9588 Fluciclovine f-18, diagnostic, 1 millicurie 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologist Technologist in modality they are performing
A9591 Fluoroestradiol f18, diagnostic, 1 millicurie 2 Radiologist (Approved for FDA approved indications) Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
A9592 Copper cu-64, dotatate, diagnostic, 1 millicurie 1 Radiologist (Approved for FDA approved indications) Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
A9595 Piflufolastat F 18 diagnostic, 1 millicurie (Pylarify™) 1 Radiologist (Approved for FDA approved indications) Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
A9596 Gallium ga-68 gozetotide, diagnostic, (illuccix), 1 millicuri 1 Radiologist Approved for FDA approved indications) Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
A9597 Positron emission tomography radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
A9598 Positron emission tomography radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
A9599 Radiopharmaceutical, diagnostic, for beta-amyloid positron 2 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
A9608 Flotufolastat f 18, diagnostic, 1 millicurie 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
G0106 Colon CA screen; barium enema 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
G0120 Colon CA screen; barium enema 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
G0122 Colon CA screen; barium enema 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
G0202 Screening mammography, producing direct digital image, bilateral, all views. 9    
G0204 Diagnostic mammography, producing direct digital image, bilateral, all views 9    
G0206 Diagnostic mammography, producing direct digital image, unilateral, all views 9    
G0219 PET imaging whole body; full & partial 2 Radiologist or Nuclear Medicine Nuclear Medicine Technician
G0278 Iliac and/or femoral artery angiography, non-selective 3 Radiologist, Cardiologist, or Vascular Surgeon Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
G0279 Diagnostic digital breast tomosynthesis, unilateral or bilateral 2 Radiologist Certified in procedure
G0288 Reconstruction, CTA for surgical planning 9 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
G0297 Low dose ct scan (ldct) for lung cancer screening 2 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
G0365 Vessel mapping of vessels for hemodialysis access 3 Radiologist or Vascular Surgery  
G0389 Ultrasound B-scan and/or real time w/ image documentation 9 Radiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
G0398 Home Sleep Test (HST) With Type III Portable Monitor 1 Neurologist, Pulmonologist AARC (American Assoc of Respiratory Care) or cert by similar/equivalent
G0399 Home Sleep Test (HST) With Type III 1 Neurologist, Pulmonologist AARC (American Assoc of Respiratory Care) or cert by similar/equivalent
G0400 Home Sleep Test (HST) With Type IV 1 Neurologist, Pulmonologist AARC (American Assoc of Respiratory Care) or cert by similar/equivalent
G0404 Electrocardiogram, routine ECG w/ 12 leads; tracing only      
G2066 Interrogation device evaluation(s), (remote) up to 30 days; 1 Cardiologist Credentialed by CCI as CCT **Carrier Discretion**
J0280 Injection, Aminophyllin, up to 250 MG   May be allowable but ONLY w/ CMD approval  
J1100 INJECTION, DEXAMETHOSONE SODIUM PHOSPHATE, 1MG 2 Board Certified in any specialty  
J1200 Injection Diphenhydramine HCL, up to 50MG 2 Any RN/Paramedic
J1245 Injection, Dipyridamole, Per 10 MG 3 Radiologist or Cardiologist Certified Radiology Tech in modality they are performing
J1250 Injection dobutamine HCL/250mg      
J1644 Injection, heparin sodium per 1000 units      
J1940 Injection, Furosemide      
J2250 Injection, Midazolam Hydrochloride, per 1 mg. 3 Radiologist  
J2370 Injection, Phenylephrine HCS, up to 1 ml. Only in emergency - 3 Radiologist  
J2785 Injection, Regadenoson, 0.1 mg. Drug has same requirements as approved test the drug is used for    
J2805 Injection, Sincalide, 5 Micrograms      
J3240 Injection Thyrotropin Alpha, 0.9 MG. Provided in 1.1 MG      
J3360 Injection, Diazepan, up to 5 mg. 3 Radiologist  
J3490 Regadenoson (Lexiscan) Eovist      
J7040 Infusion normal saline solution When billed w/ appropriate diagnostic code    
Q9951 Low Osmolar Contrast Material, 400 or Greater MG/ML   This can only be billed in conjunction with MRI CPT Code(s)  
Q9953 Injection iron-based magnetic resonance contrast      
Q9954 Oral magnetic resonance contrast agent      
Q9957 Injection, perflutren lipid microspheres per ML. Must have resuscitation equipment immediately available. 3 Radiologist or Cardiologist N/A
Q9958 High Osmolar contrast material, up to 149 MG/ML Allowed if base radiologic procedure is allowed with same supervisory levels, etc.    
Q9961 High Osmolar Contrast Material, 250-299 MG/ML Iodine Comcertr 1 Radiology N/A
Q9963 High Osmolar contrast material, 350-399 MG/ML Same as Q9958    
Q9964 High Osmolar contrast material, 400 or greater MG/ML Same as Q9958    
Q9965 Low Osmolar Contrast Material 100-199 MG/ML Iodine      
Q9966 Low Osmolar Contrast Material 200-299 MG/ML Iodine      
Q9967 Low Osmolar Contrast Material 300-399 MG/ML Iodine      
Q9982 FLUTEMETAMOL F18, DIAGNOSTIC, PER STUDY DOSE, UP TO 5 MILLIC 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing
Q9983 FLORBETABEN F18, DIAGNOSTIC,PER STUDY DOSE, UP TO 8.1 MILL 1 Radiologist Certified Radiologic Technologist in modality they are performing


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