January 19, 2021
myCGS Login Tips—MFA, Passwords, & More
We’ve compiled the following tips to address the most common myCGS questions about passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes, and staying logged in.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- MFA codes can take up to 15 minutes to receive. Do not request a second code unless you’ve waited at least 15 minutes. Continually re-requesting codes may lead to an account lockout.
- MFA codes are valid for 12 hours. Request your MFA code in the morning and use the same code throughout the day. (Do not request a second code, as it will invalidate any previous code).
- Register to receive both text and email MFA codes. You will receive the same code on both platforms.
myCGS is a secure web portal that follows CMS security requirements, including strict password rules to protect information. We are currently in the process of creating easier password procedures, but in the meantime, view the myCGS Password Resources page for tips.
Passwords must:
- Be at least eight characters
- Begin with a letter
- Include at least one upper case letter
- Include at least one lower case letter
- Include at least one number
- Include at least one special character (such as @,#, $, etc.)
- Contain at least six different characters than your previous password
- May not be the same as one of your previous 12 passwords
Concurrent Session/Lockout
To avoid becoming locked out of myCGS:
- Formally log out of the system via the “Log Out” link in the top-right corner.
- Do not “x-out” to close your browser window/tab. This will cause an improper lockout.
- If you experience a lockout, you must wait 15 minutes before attempting to log in again.
Which myCGS?
CGS administers multiple Medicare contracts, and therefore we have two separate versions of myCGS—one for DME MAC (JB and JC) and one for A/B MAC (J15 – Part A, Part B, and HH&H).
Make sure you are using the DME myCGS by observing the following guidelines:
- Always access myCGS from the DME JB or DME JC webpage
- The URL should read https://mycgsportal.com
For more information about myCGS, check out the myCGS User Manual, myCGS Registration and Account Management Guide, and FAQs, all of which are available under the myCGS page on our website.