January 21, 2016 - Revised: 02.05.21
myCGS General Inquiry – HHH
myCGS, our free web portal, has been enhanced to allow providers to submit general inquiries directly to CGS.
The newly-created General Inquiry Form (located under the “Secure Forms” option) may be used to submit inquiries related to a number of topics including appeals, claims processing, finance, medical review, provider enrollment and provider outreach.
Please Note: This enhancement is being offered as a convenient way for you to submit inquiries. The standard timeframe to respond to inquiries is 45 business days. Responses will be mailed to the correspondence address on file.
Also, this form should not be used in place of the other functions available to you through myCGS.
- To submit a Redetermination (1st level appeal) please complete the Redetermination Request Form
- To submit an eOffset (offset authorization for a demanded overpayment), please complete the eOffset Request Form.
- To respond to an additional documentation request (ADR) from our medical review department, please complete the MR ADR Response Form.
- To submit the quarterly Credit Balance Report, please use the CMS-838 Credit Balance Form.
After logging on to the myCGS web portal, select the FORMS tab. From the “Secure Forms” window at the “Select a Topic” drop-down box,, select the Provider Contact Center option. At the “Select a Type” drop-down, you will find the General Inquiry Form. A link to the form will appear below it.
After clicking the form link and the page loads, you will find some fields are pre-populated based on your myCGS user ID. The required fields that must be completed to submit the General Inquiry Form are identified by a RED asterisk (*).
- Requestor Name
- Requestor Phone Number
- Reason for Request
- Attachments
Complete the top portion of the form. There is also an area to summarize the reason for the inquiry. In 2000 characters or less, summarize the issue.
Click SUBMIT to send the inquiry.
Once submitted, the eSignature box will display. Clicking OK is your confirmation that all information is correct and allows you to electronically sign the form.
After submitting the form, myCGS will default to the MESSAGES tab. You will receive a secure message confirming receipt of the form. A second message will be received confirming the form was accepted.
The Confirmation message will include a submission ID. An email notification will also be sent noting the submission ID. You may use the submission ID to track the status of your inquiry.
For more information on this and other myCGS functions, please refer to the myCGS User Manual.