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February 1, 2022

New Look for the “Forms & Checklists” Webpage!

Suppliers, we are excited to share our “Forms & Checklists” webpage makeover that will help you find information quickly and easily. We now have two separate webpages to distinguish documents with different purposes:

Forms & Checklists – This webpage contains documents that you will use to submit information directly to the DME MAC or statements and notifications that are useful in gathering information to document certain DMEPOS requirements. Items are listed alphabetically and include a description and links to helpful resources. “Forms & Checklists” documents include

  • CMS forms, including Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) and Certificates of Medical Necessity (CMNs)
  • Forms and coversheets for submitting information to the DME MAC
  • Documentation checklists
  • Beneficiary questionnaires for documenting refill requests and obtaining information to submit a claim
  • Samples of attestation statements and notifications, including the purchase option letter

Charts & Guides – This webpage contains documents to help suppliers navigate Medicare claims, documentation requirements, and appeals. “Charts & Guides” documents include

  • Job aids
  • Reference guides
  • Timelines
  • Charts
  • User guides for myCGS and Claim Status Inquiry (CSI)

This initiative is one of the enhancements that came from customer feedback. View other improvements on the Customer Experience Updates page, and please provide survey feedback whenever you have the opportunity!


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