April 11, 2017 - Updated 03.08.18
Molecular Test Registration Requirement for Hospital Laboratories (CM00101, V2)
Effective March 1, 2017, hospitals submitting claims (5010A1-837I) for molecular tests must first register in the Diagnostics Exchange. Once registered, hospital laboratories must enter the molecular tests they perform (See Molecular Diagnostic Program (MolDX) (CM00102)) for applicable CPT codes MolDX Manual (PDF, 148 KB) to receive a Z-Code assignment. If a hospital laboratory sends out testing to a reference laboratory, the hospital laboratory will request to share the reference laboratory's test-specific DEX Z-Codes™. See the details below for more information.
Links to start registration process and add molecular tests:
- How to Register in the Diagnostics Exchange
– see this Instructional video
To access and obtain a DEX Z-code™ identifier, follow these steps:
- Go to the DEXTM Diagnostics Exchange
- Select 'Register My Organization' and follow the prompts, including participation in the MolDX program
- Within 10 business days of registering with DEX, you will receive a welcome email with a link to set your password and a getting started guide.
- Once you have received the email and activated your login, you will have access to add test information
- Within 45 business days of entering specific test information, the DEX Z-Code™ identifier will be assigned to tests. DEX will send an email to you when the DEX Z-Code™ has been assigned.
- Please note, we recommend waiting 2-3 weeks before adding this Z-Code to your claim
- Once DEX assigns a Z-Code, it is not effective until the MolDX team has reviewed your test application to determine coverage and assigned a CPT code. The CPT code you submit with your application is not necessarily the CPT code that MolDX will assign to your test. You must submit the correct combination of Z-Code, CPT code, and NPI in order for claims to be paid.
- Go to the DEXTM Diagnostics Exchange
Request to share DEX Z-Code from reference laboratory(s):
- Select 'Labs & Manufacturers'
- Search for the name of your reference laboratory(s)
- Click on the link for the reference laboratory
- Select the 'Request Sharing' button at the top right corner
- Once your reference lab 'accepts' your sharing request, you will have access to all of the Z-Codes for the testing they perform and your hospital bills