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February 1, 2016

Ophthalmic Angiography (Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green) L34175 Update

CGS found an error in group one of ICD-10 codes in the Ophthalmic Angiography (Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green) Local Coverage Determination (LCD) L34175.

ICD-10 code H47.10 was added in error instead of ICD-10 codes H47.11-H47.13 and H47.141-H47.143, which have more specificty and more appropriate than the unspecified code.

As of March 14, 2016, ICD-10 code H47.10 will be removed from the policy, as this was added in error. ICD-10 codes H47.11-H47.13 and H47.141-H47.143 have been added to the policy recently and will show on the Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) with next week's refresh on February 4, 2016.


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