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Introduction to PC-Ace Pro32

PC-ACE Pro32 is a complete, self-contained electronic processing system for health care claims submission and management. PC-ACE Pro32 does not integrate into office systems, such as accounts receivable, inventory or billing. PC-ACE Pro32 provides you with the ability to enter patient information, claim information, procedure file information and create a summary report of the claims you submit electronically.

The Patient Information option allows your office to build permanent patient files that contain vital Medicare Part A and B insurance information. The information is automatically transferred to each claim entered on PC-ACE Pro32, which creates an important time saving feature for your office.

The Claim Information option gives you the ability to key claims for professional services onto a claim screen that closely resembles a CMS-1500 and/or institutional services onto a claim screen that closely resembles the CMS-1450 (UB04) claim form. The beneficiary's Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) or Patient Control Number is the key to accessing your patient information. By simply entering the beneficiary HICN or Patient Control Number, PC-ACE Pro32 will automatically transfer information from your patient file to the claim screen, which eliminates the need to re-key the information onto your claim.

The Claims Register option creates a summary report of the claims submitted electronically. You have the option to send the report to the screen, disk or printer. You can print a copy of the claims submitted electronically for your own records.

The PC-ACE Pro32 program is available either as a free download or on a CD. The software is available for download in the EDI section of the CGS Kentucky Part B site. CD copies of the software are available at a cost of $25 (to cover the cost of media duplication and shipping and handling). You must be assigned a Submitter ID by the CGS EDI department before you will be able to download the software. To request a Submitter ID, go to EDI Enrollment on the EDI tab on above web site and select the EDI Enrollment Packet (this link will be made available after cutover). Follow the instructions for requesting a Submitter ID. After you have obtained your Submitter ID, you can access the PC-ACE Pro32 Software Download form located under EDI Software & Manuals, and follow the directions for downloading the software from our website. The PC-ACE Pro32 Users Manual is also available for download under EDI Software & Manuals.

PC-ACE Pro32 software is not supported when installed on a network. The software must be installed on a stand-alone PC. To download the software you must have decompression software such as WinZip to open the downloaded PC-ACE Pro32 files. You will need to meet the following computer requirements to download and use PC-ACE Pro32:

Minimum System Requirements

  • Dial-up Modem
  • Pentium 133 MHz processor (Pentium II-350 for larger claim volume)
  • 64 MB system memory (128 MB recommended)
  • CD-ROM drive (recommended for server installation)
  • SVGA monitor resolution (800 x 600)
  • Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 or NT 4.0 operating system
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 4.0 or later (for overlaid claim printing). This free software can be downloaded from the Adobe website (www.adobe.comExternal Website).

If you need additional information or have questions pertaining to PC-ACE Pro32, please contact our EDI Department by phone at 866-590-6703.

Updated: 02.28.13


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