Financial Tools

CMS-838 Credit Balance

Part A, Hospice and Home Health Agencies are required to submit quarterly Credit Balance reports within 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter.  myCGS may be used to submit the actual CMS-838 formPDF.

NOTE: A Medicare Credit Balance is an amount determined to be refundable to the Medicare program for an improper or excess payment made to a provider because of patient billing or claims processing errors.

To access the form, select CMS-838 Credit Balance from the "Select a Form" drop-down. The form will display pre-populated with information based on your provider and user ID.


Select the appropriate Quarter End date from the drop-down to identify the quarter being reported.


Check the appropriate box:

  • Qualify as a Low Utilization Provider – Providers with extremely low Medicare utilization do not have to submit a CMS-838.
    • A Low Utilization provider is defined as a facility that files a low utilization Medicare cost report as specified in PRM-I, section 2414.4.B, or files less than 25 Medicare claims per year.
  • A completed Credit Balance Report Detail Page(s) is attached.
  • No credit balances to report for the quarter.



You may attach files to your submission by selecting the "Choose File" button. Each file may be up to 40 MB in size each. The combined size of all attachments cannot exceed 150 MB. The attachments must be in PDF format and created using appropriate PDF creation software. Failure to create the PDF correctly can result in a corrupt file that could prevent you from successfully submitting the claim through myCGS.

NOTE: CMS regulations prevent CGS from accepting electronic signatures; therefore, the first attachment must be the signed CMS-838 Credit Balance form.



Enter the name and title of the person authorized to submit the report. The contact information may be pre-populated based upon your user ID.

If the form and attachments are accurate, check the box to certify. Click Submit to send the form.


Confirmation Messages

You will receive messages regarding your submission through myCGS in your inbox under the Messages tab. The first message is the Submission Confirmation. This message confirms that the form was sent. A second message will be available once the form is accepted. It will include instructions on how you can use the Submission ID assigned to the case to check the status.

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