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April 24, 2023

Tips for Submitting Prior Authorization Accessories for Power Mobility Devices

Beginning March 20, 2023, the DME MACs began to allow the submission of accessory HCPCS codes with certain Power Mobility Device (PMD) Prior Authorization (PA) requests.

The fastest, easiest way to submit prior authorization requests is through the myCGS web portal. myCGS has been updated to allow for the submission of PA accessories with PMD requests.

For detailed instructions on submitting PA accessories in myCGS, refer to either the myCGS User Manual or the following article: Use myCGS to Submit Prior Authorization Accessories for Power Mobility Devices.

Note that in addition to using the myCGS web portal, you can submit PA requests via mail, fax, or esMD using the Prior Authorization (PA) Request CoversheetPDF. Submitting this coversheet gives you faster processing times, increased accuracy, organized submissions, and a lower risk of rejection. Place the Prior Authorization Request Coversheet first, before all other documentation.

When submitting a PA request, be sure to follow these tips to ensure that your request is processed quickly and correctly:

  • Be sure to select “Yes” in the “Do you want to include voluntary accessory codes for review?” field on the myCGS PA Form Submission Screen or mark the box “Review Voluntary Accessory Code(s)” on the PA Request Coversheet.
  • Select each accessory code on the myCGS PA Form Submission screen or list them on the PA Request Coversheet.
  • The accessories included on the myCGS PA Form Submission screen or PA Request Coversheet must be listed on the physician’s order.
  • Be sure to include ALL the accessory codes on the myCGS PA Form Submission screen or PA Request Coversheet that are listed on the physician’s order.

Note that when submitting a PA request in myCGS, you do not need to attach a separate coversheet—myCGS automatically generates the coversheet for you (another great reason to use myCGS)!

Refer to the following article on our website for additional information about PMD PA accessories: Power Mobility Device Accessory Voluntary Prior Authorization.


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