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April 11, 2023

Upcoming Claim Status Inquiry (CSI) System Update

There is an upcoming CSI system update that will affect all users beginning on Friday, May 5 at 5 pm CT. This update will prevent users from accessing CSI through Monday, May 8. There is a possibility that the system update will continue into Tuesday, May 9. If so, we will post updates on our website and electronic mailing list.

Over the next 2-3 weeks, CSI users will receive a phone call from a CGS representative who will provide information that will ensure continued access to your CSI account throughout this transition time.

Callers from CGS will identify themselves as CGS employees and will ask to speak with the account user. The representative will then provide you a temporary password that will you use to log in after the transition period on Tuesday, May 9. Upon logging in with this temporary password, you will be prompted to create a new password to continue using your CSI account.

In addition, CGS is implementing a new annual recertification process that will require users to complete the CSI Recertification FormPDF. You must complete this form by July 31, even if you have recently sent in a recertification form. If you fail to do this, you will deactivate your access and need to re-register. Please make sure to complete all fields to ensure there are no issues.

On or after May 9, if you have any issues with logging in, call CGS at 615-660-5444 or email Thank you for your cooperation during this update period, we look forward to speaking with you.


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