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February 27, 2023

Unsuspend Your Own myCGS Account with No Phone Call Required!

myCGS now allows you to unsuspend your account without calling the Customer Support Center!

Your myCGS account may be suspended because of the following reasons:

  • Three consecutive invalid password attempts
  • Three consecutive invalid MFA attempts
  • Account inactivity (haven’t logged in for over 30 days)

If this happens, you can now unsuspend yourself through these steps:

  1. Attempt to log in to myCGS as normal. If your account is suspended, you’ll receive an error message explaining why this happened. Press OK.

    PW Change Required
  2. You will then be asked to answer to the security questions you provided when you created your myCGS account. Answer the questions and press Submit. Note that your answers are case-sensitive.

    Update PW
  3. If your answers match the questions correctly, you will receive a message stating that an email is being sent to you with further instructions. If your answers do not match, try again. If you’re unable to answer your security questions correctly, you will need to call the Customer Support Center to unsuspend your account.

    Reset PW
  4. Once you receive the email, follow the link provided in the email to change your password and reset your account. You will be taken to the Change Password screen. Enter your User ID and your new password, then press Submit.

    Change PW
  5. Your account will now be unsuspended. Use your new password to log in to myCGS.


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