January 20, 2022
Introducing the Revefenacin (Yupelri®) J7677 Calculator
The Revefenacin (Yupelri®) J7677 Calculator calculates the maximum number of units of Revefenacin (Yupelri®) that may be billed over 31 days and 90 days based on the strength of the drug ordered and number of times to be taken per day. This calculator will help nebulizer drug suppliers save time and reduce errors.
To locate this calculator, select “Tools & Calculators” from the left-hand navigation menu, then click on “Nebulizer Drug Calculators.” There you will see a list of 13 nebulizer drug calculators, including, the Revefenacin (Yupelri®) J7677 Calculator.
Suppliers specifically requested this resource, so we are pleased to add it to the Tools & Calculators catalog. As always, we encourage you to share feedback and to let us know your thoughts and suggestions!