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November 8, 2021

myCGS 7.2—All New Registration and Recertification Process, Coming November 15!

myCGS 7.2 introduces a new and improved registration process that makes it easier and faster to register as a new users, as well as a simplified and automated process for Designated Approvers to manage their users.  Some highlights of the new version include the following:

  • 100% of the registration process is now built into myCGS directly—no more physical registration forms!
  • Removal of Authorized Officials from the myCGS registration process. Designated Approvers can now register directly in myCGS without the need to have their company's Authorized Official involved.
  • Streamlined registration process for both Designated Approvers and End Users, making it easier than ever to register for myCGS.
  • A new self-recertification process for Designated Approvers.
  • A redesign of the Recertification screen used by Designed Approvers to recertify their End Users, which makes it simple and easy to recertify a large number of users at once.
  • Recertification will now only be needed every 365 days instead of every 90 days (beginning after the next recertification).

Complete details of the new Registration and Recertification processes will be available in the myCGS Registration and Account Management Guide, which will be updated after myCGS 7.2 is released. As a reminder, please be sure that you are familiar with the following timeline of events for myCGS 7.2:

  • November 8: New registration/recertification requests using the old format are no longer accepted. Any new requests must wait until the release of myCGS 7.2.
  • November 12, BEFORE 4 pm CT: Deadline for Designated Approvers to complete existing registration and recertification requests.
  • November 12, AFTER 4 pm CT: myCGS 7.2 installation begins and myCGS is unavailable.
  • November 15: myCGS 7.2 is available with new registration and recertification processes in place. The myCGS Registration and Account Management Guide will be updated.


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