April 6, 2021
A DME MAC Program Manager Update: Collaborative DME MAC and A/B MAC Practitioner Education
In previous articles, we shared how the Noridian and CGS Program Managers oversee a variety of operational and collaborative workgroups that meet monthly to discuss opportunities for process improvements across all four DME MAC jurisdictions.
In this article, the Program Managers want to share the activities of the A/B and DME MAC Collaboration Workgroup.
This workgroup evaluates DMEPOS high CERT error categories and develops educational opportunities for physicians and non-physician practitioners.
The DME MAC Provider Outreach and Education team collaborates with the A/B MACs to enlist the support of prescribing practitioners in reducing the error rates related to orders and medical records in the areas where they prescribe.
This national collaboration includes quarterly educational webinars and helpful “Physicians/Practitioners are you ordering…” articles which are distributed by the A/B MACs to the practitioners that order DMEPOS items.
With these educational opportunities the A/B and DME MACs strive to enhance collaboration between practitioners and suppliers.
In 2020, the topics for these collaborative webinars were:
- Nebulizers and Inhalation Medication
- Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes
- Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment
- Documentation Requirements
Through these efforts, the DME MACs assist in “building the bridge” which ultimately results in better outcomes for the Medicare beneficiary.