Suggested Abbreviation List for Submitting Narrative Information
The abbreviations in the following table may be used in the NTE 2400 (line note) or NTE 2300 (claim note) portions of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI X12) format or field 498-PP of the National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) format. These abbreviations may also be used in Item 19 of the CMS-1500 claim form.
Abbreviation | Description |
ABN | Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage |
ADMC | Advanced Determination of Medical Coverage |
ADMD | Admit Date |
AFO | Ankle-foot orthotic |
ANND | Anniversary Date |
AOB | Assignment of Benefits |
ASP | Average sales price |
ATP | Assistive Technology Practitioner |
AWP | Average wholesale pricing |
BiPAP | Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure |
BIB | Break In Billing |
BIS | Break In Service |
BBR | Broken Beyond Repair |
CPPA | Condition of Payment |
D/T | Due To |
DISC | Discount |
DISD | Discharge Date |
DLD | Delivery Date |
DOP | Date of Purchase |
DOS | Date of Service |
ELR | Elevating Leg Rests |
EPO | Epoetin |
EQ | Equipment |
EN | Enteral Nutrition |
ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease |
FFS | Fee-for-Service |
GT CL BE | Greater Clinical Benefit |
IC | Requesting Individual Consideration |
IDD | Irreparable Damage Date |
IOL | Intraocular lens |
IP | Inpatient |
IPPB | Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing |
IV | Intravenous |
KAFO | Knee-ankle foot orthotic |
LCMP | Licensed Certified Medical Professional |
LE | Lower Extremity |
LOS | Length of stay |
LPM | Liters per minute |
LSO | Lumbar-sacral orthosis |
MD | Muscular Dystrophy or Medical Doctor |
MDL | Model Number |
MFG | Manufacturer Number |
MISC | K0108 or E1399 |
MMT | Manual Muscle Testing |
MRADL's | Mobility Related Activities of Daily Living |
MS | Maintenance/Service |
MWC | Manual Wheelchair |
NDC | National drug code |
NDX | New Diagnosis Code |
NOC | Not Otherwise Classified |
#WNDS | Number of Wounds |
NPWT | Negative pressure wound therapy |
ODX | Old Diagnosis Code |
OP | Outpatient |
ORIG | Original |
OWN | Patient/Beneficiary Owned |
PAP | Positive Airway Pressure |
PAR/PA | Prior Authorization |
PBO | Part on Order/Part on Back Order |
PEN | Parenteral and enteral nutrition |
PN | Parenteral nutrition |
PUR | Purchased |
P&O | Prosthetic and orthotic |
PORTO2 | Portable Oxygen Unit |
PMD | Power mobility device |
POS | Place of service |
POV | Power-operated vehicle |
PUD | Pick Up Date |
PWC | Power Wheelchair |
RAD | Respiratory Assist Device |
RDF | Renal dialysis facility |
RESNA | Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America |
R/N | Reasonable and Necessary |
ROM | Range of Motion |
R/O | Ruled Out |
RPL | Replacement |
RPR | Repair |
RUL | Reasonable Useful Lifetime |
SD | Surgery Date |
SE | Specialty Evaluation |
SNF | Skilled nursing facility |
SOB | Shortness of breath |
SRL | Serial Number |
TENS | Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator |
TENS 2L or 4L | TENS 2 Leads or 4 Leads |
TPN | Total Parenteral Nutrition |
TLSO | Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis |
UE | Upper Extremity |
UOS | Units of Service |
WC | Wheelchair |
WOPD | Written order prior to delivery |