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April 29, 2024

myCGS 8.4 Improves the Prior Authorization Smart Submission Process

myCGS 8.4 is now available! In this version, we've improved the Prior Authorization Smart Submission (PASS) process and fixed several known issues.

PASS Enhancements

  • We've updated PASS to consolidate and improve several screens, so that users can navigate through the PASS process faster and more easily.
    • We've combined many of the PASS screens to reduce the total number of screens users need to navigate through.
    • A header is now present throughout the PASS process. The header contains information about the request that has been entered in the previous steps, including the NPI, PTAN, MBI, beneficiary name, base equipment, and related accessories.
  • PASS now includes additional ordering/referring physician fields. Ordering/referring physician information now includes the following required fields:
    • Physician First Name
    • Physician Last Name
    • Physician Address
    • Ordering/Referring NPI
  • The PASS confirmation screen can now be printed more efficiently (using less paper).

Additional Changes and Fixes

  • The EFT Status screen has been removed from myCGS, as EFT requests are now processed only by the NPE, not the DME MAC.
  • We updated several links to PDFs on our website.
  • When submitting a Redetermination or Reopening, an "unhandled exception error" was occurring when a user selected both a DOCX and a PDF file. This has been fixed.

Do you have an idea that you'd like to see implemented in myCGS? Use the "Feedback" button found in the web portal to let us know!


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