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Content provided on this page contains outdated information and instruction and should not be considered current. CGS is providing this archived information for research purposes only. This archived section contains previously issued instructions that have since been updated or are no longer applicable for Medicare billing purposes.

October 5, 2012

PC-ACE Pro32 Occurrence Code 55 Effective Date Patch

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued change request CR 7792 on April 27, 2012 which introduced a new Occurrence Code 55 (Date of Death) effective 10/1/2012. Per the change request, this effective date was in relation to the claim's service date. On May 31, 2012 a revised MLN Matters article MM7792 was published clarifying that the 10/1/2012 effective date was in relation to the submission date (rather than the claim's service date). The expected retransmission of change request CR 7792 never occurred. As such, the edits in PC-ACE Pro32 added per this change request are still coded against the claim's service date. This update patch implements the clarification described in the revised MLN Matters article.

You may be experiencing the following symptom, or may have been instructed by your software distributor to apply this update patch.

Symptom: The following edit error occurs when attempting to save a claim containing Occurrence Code 55.

"Occurrence Code 55 Invalid Prior To 10/1/2012"

Resolution: Close PC-ACE Pro32 and click on the following link to download and install a patch that will correct this problem.

Description: Download Now Download Update Patch NowExecutable File

The download must be performed from the computer used to bill your claims. You can run the program directly from the browser's download dialog or save the program file to your Windows desktop and then execute it from there. Once the update program is running, simply click the "Next" button several times to perform the update. Click the "Finish" button to complete the process. If you saved the OC55FIX.EXE program file to your desktop, you should delete it once it has been successfully installed.

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